What a truely sad story. I'm very sorry to hear this and you and especially your wife have my sympathy.

I've had medical problems too in the last year, and, though they are absolutely not comparable to what your wife is going through, I feel I can sympathise somewhat.

My condition was/is that now and then I get terrible stomach cramps. But not just a little bit of cramps, but rather the HUGE, tears-rolling-from-your-eyes, rolling-up-like-a-foetus-from-the-pain-kind of cramps.

I've visited several doctors, and none could help me. Apparently, nothing turned up from the examinations, and all the doctors could tell me was that I was in perfect health. They always told me the same thing : "you have to learn to live with it". Trust me, that's the LAST thing you want to hear when you're in almost constant pain. I mean, it's easy for the doctors to say, but this thing was really killing me AND my social life. At one point I almost didn't leave the house anymore because I was too afraid I would get one if those "cramp-attacks". (the are very unpredictable, and I really can't predict when then will "strike")
Ok, so maybe the doctors told me that I was in perfect health, but what was wrong with me then ??? This started in october 2003, up to this day still lasts. And I still don't know what's wrong with me.
I pretty much gave up on traditional medicine. I was clear that they couldn't (and from what I had noticed : didn't care enough either) to help me.

Then one day (a couple of months ago) a collegue of mine referred me to an osteopath. This guy also did acupuncture. Why not give that a try ?
Now, normally, I would NEVER have even considered it (I'm a real down to earth guy, and all this stuff sounded way too weird and "dreamy" to me), but I was at that stage where I was desperate and ready to try anything.

And well whatddayaknow... it helped. Slowly but surely, I'm improving. I'm still not 100% cured yet, but for the first time in months I'm actually confident that one day, I will be.

I still don't know what has caused it, or what it is causing for that matter, but at least things are improving, albeit slowly. So there is hope.

Now, what do I mean to say with this post ? Basically : I've been let down by traditional medicine a couple of times too. Don't think of it as the only option. There are alternatives, like acupuncture. Contrary to what I thought myself up to last year it's not total BS. It really works, and maybe it can help your wife too? (ok, probably not to cure her condition, but maybe it can relieve her pain)

All I can advise you is : try it. I was hesitant at first too, but now I'm *so* glad I did.

Hope this helps a bit...
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