The other thing to keep in mind is that 25ms is a worst case scenario of how long it takes to go from black to white then back to black.
Yeah, but the article I linked to above points out that black-to-white or white-to-black is often a best-scenario case. White-to-gray, as just one example of non-extreme changing, can take longer. They say that if you go from 0% voltage to 100% voltage, then there's a lot of impetus for the LCD to change. But if you're going from 100% to 50%, then there's not nearly as much impetus and it actually ends up taking longer. (In the included example, this worst-case scenario of white-to-gray took 54 ms, whereas white-to-black took about 7 ms. White-to-black-to-white seems to be about 25 ms whereas white-to-gray-to-white seems to be about 90 ms.) And this isn't just idle speculation; they have graphs to back it up showing a good array of voltage-to-voltage times. I suppose they could have mocked it all up, but that seems unlikely.

Edited by wfaulk (22/02/2004 13:38)
Bitt Faulk