Okay we go in and kill saddam what is going to happen afterwards will the world just bog off and leave the country to its own devices. Now either the country will become a nice cosy democracy which i doudt or someone similar or worse than saddam will take over. At worst it will be some religious extremist who will then do his greatest to take out america or however.

The gulf states are not know for being democracies i am not too sure if any of them are.

As to relgious extremeists i am against them no matter what the religion be, be it muslim, christian, shiek or manchester united.

So yes go in and take out the allegid treat but afterwards what happens and also if we do attack iraq what suprises are waiting for us in our own back yards.

On a more personnel note i am based on oil tankers and we can all guess where they visit lots. So if you want me i'll be hiding in the spare liner
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland