Now on the particular issue of the PoA, I couldn't care less whether "Under God" was in there and I think we should be focusing our resources on more important problems. My first reaction to this was, "haven't we already covered this before?"

While I obviously have some opinions on the whole PoA issue and I don't begrudge the plaintiff his right to pursue the case, one of the reasons it upsets me so much is for precisely the reason you mention. Whoever "wins", I fear there are much bigger issues left unattended. In some sense, the plaintiff and the ruling create an opportunity for many of our elected representatives to perform cheap tricks -- stand up, blast the ruling, and recite the pledge while other bigger issues float by uninspected.

I always remember a Boston talk show host -- Gene-something --who made an unbelievably large political name and career out of a single issue -- repealing the state's seat belt law. The amount of energy expended in that non-issue campaign could have built 14 Hoover Dams.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.