I wasn't going to respond, but....

First, there's the problem that it doesn't respect that fact that many religions (including atheism itself) do not have a god, and many others have more than one, calling both of those groups into question.

Second, it obviously refers to the Christian god, since it is obvious from the context under which it was originally endorsed, and secondly, because it is capitalized, a distinctly Christian thing.

Interestingly, and to lighten the mood a little, did you know that the original inventors of the teletype were aware that they could only support either lower case or upper case letters and they did a small study to see which was better? They came to the conclusion that lower case was easier to read and generally more attractive and were set to go that route, but then their boss vetoed it because if it were all lower case, then it would be impossible to ``spell our Lord's name correctly'' (or something like that -- I'm paraphrasing). Thanks, guy!
Bitt Faulk