By the way, I just had my installation completed and I got a Pionner SR100 remote. It looks just like the other two you mentioned and I have no idea what the difference is in terms of features. I confirm it is really comfortable. I find it better than the kenwood steering remote (which however had the advantage of being invisible), and that's why I chose this.
As a side note, I actually am experiencing this problem: somtimes it stops working, and I still don't understand if it is Alpha3 causing this or the battery, which I have no idea how old it could be. I'll find out.
However, I originally wanted to install a Sony Stalk. My installer did not have a cable one, as those mentioned on the FAQ, so we tested two IR Sony remotes, one basically identical to the stalk in the FAQ and one shaped as a semi-sphere. Unfortunately, the empeg would not see them. So, surprisingly, Sony IR are not compatible with the empeg, either.
Edited by taym (12/11/2003 12:35)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg