Oh... divx is so horrible.. so.. so horrible.

Are you reffering to the attempted consumer movie players that were actually horrible?
These days, the term Divx refers to a form of MPEG4 video encoding which has the same effect to video as mp3 encoding had to audio. You can effectively shrink a DVD down to fit on a CD. Lossy compression of course, but done right it can look really good for its size (like MP3).

Well, there is a major difference between MPEG4 video encoding using DivX and the MP3 compression of audio:
DivX decoding is pretty expensive in terms of CPU and RAM usage, while MP3 decoding is rather cheap in these areas. To support displaying DivX videos, you really have to use a very powerful CPU or specialized processor.

A MarkIII design might be interesting anyhow, but we should keep being realistic about it. There are some minor improvements that would certainly be interesting and realistic: USB master is one, a second serial port (or third if you also count the serial that is used by the tuner module) is another one. VGA out might also be interesting and doable, but I would not necessarily use it for video (movie) output.


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, was #080000113 is #090001010)
proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord