Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten." -- Ben Franklin

Such a remarkable man. smile

Agreed, which is why I was looking for >>the best<< mesh solution out there, for home. Price obviously matters, but performance & reliability are top priority; I too think cheap network equipment is a recipe for disaster, especially in these times when we have to work from home.
Also, I have recently added several smart home devices to control power ourlets and lights, so, WiFi must be rock solid.

Thanks everyone for all recommendations. Dignan, so much great info on Ubiquiti. Thank you.
I've looked into Ubiquiti few times over the years, but never really got around or needed to resesign my WiFi network.

Anyway, to answer some of the questions:

- I do need *at least* two APs in my apartment, so "mesh" makes sense regardless of my garage. My walls are bricks, concrete pillars, etc., so the issue I ran into is that my otherwise very powerful and reliable Linksys WRT1900ACS router (used in bridge mode as AP) is not powerful enough to reach some locations I now - covid times - care for.

- Since I am at it, I think it makes sense to extend my mesh WiFi to the garage as well for little extra money. For obvious reasons: central configuration, management, authentication, security, etc.

- Tony, even more confusing, the number of radio interfaces does not have to match the number of antennas in the device. It turns out, for example, that the Synology MR2200ac, for example, has TWO antennas and THREE radio interfaces. The two 5GHz radios share one single antenna.
Oh well.

- I am more inclined towards a good mesh solution compared to Ubiquiti because expanding it wirelessly could come handy in other locations I may add wifi in the future (my family has a house in the mountains with *very* thick stone walls), and I'd like to start using it and see how it works. The theory of mesh networks is so good!

I am very tempted to go with Synology. Here in Italy you can find a Synology MR2200ac at € 150 circa. Not that bad after all.

Edited by Taym (08/07/2020 00:02)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg