Originally Posted By: Roger
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I generally recommend the Unifi Dream Machine

The problem that I have with the Dream Machine is this: how the hell do I wall-mount it? Almost all of the kit in my "comms cabinet" (entrance hallway cupboard, above the shoes) is mounted to the side of the cupboard, to keep it neatly out of the way.

I couldn't agree more. It's definitely designed for a more typical home user who will likely put it on their desk or something.

I'd probably end up making a wall-mounted shelf or buy one online. They're around $20.

I've definitely found that not enough companies think about making their stuff wall-mounted. Every time I see a networking device without wall mount screw holes or a bracket I'm pretty disappointed. It's weird that I can get a $20 5-port switch and mount that way more easily than the $200 Unifi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus.