Hehe, well, first of all it's not for my grandma. That would be a little tough... No, this was just for a hypothetical grandma.

And I know what you mean, but frankly I think things are slowing down enough to where it's not as bad to buy low-end anymore. For about half of my clients, a low-end computer will do everything they need just fine, and will continue to do so for a long time. I'd say 25% of my clients have never heard of Hulu, and don't care about the new 1080p Youtube. Most of them just want to write up a Word document, email it to someone, and check out the news on the Washington Post.

So 50% don't need high-end, and 40% of my clients really only need a beefier computer because they share it with their children. And that last 10% still don't need to go all out. A Core 2 Duo will suit them fine.

Thanks for the numbers, by the way. Where did you find those?