Cris, I understand what you're saying. I just don't see it in what I wrote. Especially since I was writing to all as general information. Yes, it was prompted by you mentioning that the latest versions weren't listed for download. This is also what I had found, but I saw the version number mentioned and then found it by searching.

As far as I recall, all of the version 3.x releases have been private. Most of them have been leaked. I'm not sure the developer has actually done anything since r14 to tell you the truth.

Also, the other program I linked looks like it has a far better UI. I'm not sure is it's as good as the Windows releases. IMO, being able to rip discs with a decent piece of software is worth running VMWare if you don't want to run an additional machine. I do either that or remote login to my PVR server for DVD Shrink.

You also didn't reply to the other more meat and potatoes portion in the other post, which was to mention Boxee and XBMC.

Anyway, I talk the way I talk and I write the way I write. You can assume that I'm not out to get anyone or show anyone up, especially in this forum. It's the only forum I visit on a regular basis and I feel like I can be as open as talking to someone in person here. Anyway, many of my friends and I talk rough or brash around each other, so don't perceive it as something that's certainly not intended.
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