Originally Posted By: hybrid8

I was truly trying to be helpful. The version I linked is the latest available, as you said "underground." If you're so sensitive that you can't just read posts in a forum without getting personally offended, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that. Frankly, I'm getting really tired of the personal attacks.

Not a personal attack Bruno, far from it. maybe just re-read your wording sometimes. We are all guilty of that from time to time. Just re-read you last post, are you telling me you don't see what I am talking about, it's there in you first and then 2nd to last sentence, "I'm not being arrogant" and "but there's nothing I can do about that", seems pretty arrogant to me. That's all I am saying, not that you were trying to be arrogant, just that you sometimes come across that way to me.

As I understand it the developer releases updates to people who have made a "donation" to him, which to me is taking the development underground. It's a shame because it's pretty much a "does what it says on the tin" kind of a program, and it put the scuppers on my whole Apple TV idea.

