The only thing I can say is that random searching showed it to be a potential alpha bug. Can you try downgrading to 2.0, make sure your database can build there, and then reupgrade to the alpha?

Ok, I downgraded to 2.00 final, and the manual rebuild worked no problem.

But, I still seem to be having problems.

After the downgrade, I reinstalled Hijack 440, and tried uploading 1.4 GB of tracks using jEmplode v70 under Linux using ethernet. Firstly, jEmplode took a very long time loading the databases and then becoming responsive -- about 5 minutes! I had about 13,000 tracks loaded at the time.

After the tracks were uploaded, I got the following error from jEmplode:

Unable to synchronize with the current device. caused by:
Failed to synchronize with device. caused by:
Unable to open connection to device. caused by:
org.jempeg.protocol.ConnectionException: Failed to connect to the specified device. Please verify the device's IP address.
at org.jempeg.protocol.SocketConnection.open(SocketConnection.java:149)
at org.jempeg.empeg.protocol.EmpegProtocolClient.open(EmpegProtocolClient.java:359)
at org.jempeg.empeg.protocol.EmpegProtocolClient.open0(EmpegProtocolClient.java:1068)
at org.jempeg.empeg.protocol.EmpegProtocolClient.getStorageInfo(EmpegProtocolClient.java:881)
at org.jempeg.protocol.AbstractSynchronizeClient.computeFreeSpace(AbstractSynchronizeClient.java:343)
at org.jempeg.protocol.AbstractSynchronizeClient.synchronize(AbstractSynchronizeClient.java:308)
at org.jempeg.manager.SynchronizeUI.synchronize(SynchronizeUI.java:109)
at org.jempeg.manager.SynchronizeUI$1.run(SynchronizeUI.java:65)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

It seems like all the files made it across OK, but the databases didn't get written, and I was forced to build them manually again.

Any ideas?