Aside from a text-editor where someone has manually changed the tabstop to something other than 8, a tabstop is 8 spaces.
Not true in my world, I'm afraid. VS.NET has it set to 4

Huh. I haven't used windows since... uh... NT 4.0, I think, so I'm coming to this primarily from a unix standpoint. I'm certainly not up on all the fancy IDE editors out there, particularly on Windows.

I also just realized that vs.net indents four rather than two.

Well, at least it's a good indent. 2 space indents are too small, IMHO. I like 4 space indents.

Anyway, I guess in my early days I ran into too many apps where tabs were not 8 spaces that I just gave up on tabs altogether.

I used to like tabs. Then I started working with other people.

Tabs just shouldn't be used for formatting code.