Aside from a text-editor where someone has manually changed the tabstop to something other than 8, a tabstop is 8 spaces.
Not true in my world, I'm afraid. VS.NET has it set to 4 and it messes me up when I try to open SQL code that I generated in Sql Query Analyzer.

In fact, I only just now realized that VS.NET inserts tabs when it auto formats rather than spaces- I guess it hasn't tripped me up because I always open c# files in vs.net. Now I'm going to have to see if there's an option to convert to spaces . . .

I also just realized that vs.net indents four rather than two. It's funny I've been programming in c# for two years now and didn't realize that.

Anyway, I guess in my early days I ran into too many apps where tabs were not 8 spaces that I just gave up on tabs altogether. And I experienced it just this week trying to edit SQL code, so there you go.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.