I have removed the info from the Empeg that had that IP so is there something burried in the player that would make it use that address if given the opportunity?
Yes. The DHCP server, if there is one, would tend to try to give it the same address every time. So that might just be normal.

Of course, double check your config.ini to make sure it's actually getting changed. Maybe you make the change but it's not "taking". Sometimes bugs with the player can prevent config.ini from being editable.

Also, give me some clue where to start when reprogramming my cable router to dole out IP's in the 192.168.0.xxx range.
This should be covered in the dox for the router. Usually it's from a built-in web page on the router itself. For instance, if your router is at, then point your web browser there, it'll probably pop up a web page and ask you for your administration password. Surely you already did all that the first time you hooked it up?

Unless the router was installed by the cable company, in which case they've probably locked out the password and you're stuck. So you would want to go to a different method. But you might not need to do this if setting your player to DHCP works on both networks.
Tony Fabris