Right now I just type my Empeg's IP address. How would I get it if my Empeg didn't have a fixed IP?
- You can use the About screen on the front panel of the empeg to find its IP address.

- You can run Emplode or Jemplode and it will do a broadcast and show you the empeg's address as it connects.

- You can use the FindEmpeg utility, perhaps from within a batch file, to add the empeg's address by name to your local HOSTS file.

But you may not need to do any of that, there are other options. Let's start with a couple of assumptions...

- I assume your home LAN is goverened by your DSL router, which is the acting DHCP server on your home LAN.

- I assume your home router is doling out addresses in the 192.168.0.xxx range.

- I assume your work computers (which are fixed instead of DHCP like you said) are in a different range than your home LAN, perhaps they are in the range of 10.xxx.xxx.xxx instead.

- I assume that you set your empeg to be a fixed IP in the 10.xxx.xxx.xxx range to match your work LAN. Hence the reason it won't work on your home LAN.

If all of the above is correct, then you have the following options:

- Reprogram your home router to dole out addresses that are the same as your work LAN, then you can connect to the empeg's fixed IP address that matches your work LAN.

- Set the empeg to a fixed 192.168.0.xxx address so it works on your home LAN, then add an additional 192.168.0.xxx TCP entry to your work computer so that it communicates on both subnets (as described in the link in my previous post).

- Set the empeg to a fixed 10.xxx.xxx.xxx range so it works on your work LAN, then add an addtional 10.xxx.xxx.xxx TCP entry to your home computer so that it communicates on both subnets (as described in the link in my previous post).

- Use the @work and @home macros in Hijack to toggle configurations between the two locations as described in my previous post.
Tony Fabris