I'll check it tonight when I get home and let you know what I see (or don't see).

The "ro" and "rw" commands DO echo appropriately on the player, so that part is working correctly.

I used FTP to pull my "taxi" file off the player, then re-synched. It did a media check.

After an hour of media checking, I went to a DOS prompt and used FTP to open the player, then immediately closed it again without executing any commands. I re-synched, and got another media check.

After yet another hour of media checking, I went straight to emplode, and did a re-synch. This generated another media check. So apparently it wasn't the FTP session triggering the media checks.

So... today at work, I did the manual fsck as outlined in the FAQ:

To correct this error, enter the following at the shell prompt:

umount /dev/hda4
<umount /dev/hdc4>
swapon /swapfile
fsck -fay /
fsck -fay /dev/hda4
<fsck -fay /dev/hdc4>
swapoff /swapfile

(and then reboot the player by pulling its power cord)

(where the <lines> were skipped because I have a single drive system) and after an hour of media checking, I used FTP to delete the old taxi file, then went to emplode and did a re-synch.

It did NOT do a media check.

It appears that the fsck that emplode executes does not clear the "dirty" flag; only a manual fsck as shown above does that.

How the flag got set to "dirty" is a complete mystery to me. Up until the media-check problem began, I always ran my ftp sessions using batch/script files specifically to prevent forgetting to "ro" the filesystem.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"