Hugo, as the ftp server and http server installation gets closer for idiots ( or people beeing out of linux business very long like me ), some things get to my mind:
-it looks like soon there will be a *nearly fool proof* guide to installing ftp & http server, thanks to those great guys posting the how-to's here ...
Problem is: even if the process is fool proof, its still some work to do, and with every new install of a new version, all is lost, and must be done again ...
( or am i wrong ?!? )
So there is that old nasty Question again:
Will empeg put this stuff configured-to-run in the dev image sometime ??
I think the technical reasons ( Less memory & cpu time when additional stuff is running, more chance to crash -> unacceptable ) are non-existing if you would handle it this way:
Having a "Quit to Net services" Menu entry, that quits the player and starts telnetd, ftpd, httpd, samba, whatever, and whenever a button is pressed, quitting that stuff and loading the player again ...
( and of course offering developers to add customized menu entries like "tetris", "nude girls slide show", "lottery numbers generator", "bullshit" and so on ? :-) )
(or similar, you got the point, not working at the same time, but having two modes )
So if the above is possible, would it be possible to include this stuff in the next dev image ( please please yes, beg, beg, beg, loosing dignity completely )
Please let me/us know how you think about that.
Of course if it is again a legal problem, we have no chance, but, HEY its a developer image, the standard player will be fine with the normal image, users have to do/understand quite some things to use the services, Mr. St*pid*ss will just buy the player and use it, no prob for the RIAA ...
Nils, desperately trying to be lazy and to still get everything he wants, but at least beeing honest :-)