DSL. *big sigh*

Here in sunny Australia, it's one of those things that happens to other people. Telstra has rumours of supplying DSL by the end of this year, but no-one inside Telstra itself can actually confirm or deny this. Cable modems are only just coming out and are still quite expensive.

My big problem is that I've got 56K dialup from home, which usually hits 49.3kbit. My work connection is 2 megabit (the link from our connector office is 10Mbit, but the link from there to here is 2), but we're behind a firewall and (of course) can't use anything like napster or realaudio or other stuff like that. The fact that the http proxy requires an authentication step and periodically (say, every half an hour) requires a reboot only adds to the problem. Unsurprisingly, it's MS Proxy. Of course, I could use the home connection, which is unrestricted...

Can someone who's using DSL mail me and tell me what it's like and how it's connected?

Save the whales. Feed the hungry. Free the mallocs.
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550