Okay, assuming that "#1" is the first one after the blank screen (and that we're not bothering to name the blank screen or the Empeg logo), here are my ideas...

1 Mt. Rubber
2 Yin and Yang
3 The Flag
4 The Rift (or Rorschach's Rift if that'll fit)
5 Spin-o-scope
6 Rubber Band
7 Rorschach
8 Thumper
9 Epilepsy Weave (or just Epilepsy)
10 BorgBeat
11 Checkers
12 Spectrum 1
13 Spectrum 2
14 Spectrum 3
15 Spectrum 4
16 Spectrum 5
17 Soundtrack 1
18 Soundtrack 2
19 Son of Blob
20 The Blob
21 Plaid
22 The Kicker
23 Captain's Log
24 Bigname 1
25 Bigname 2
26 Bigname 3
27 Spürm (note, that's supposed to be a U with an umlat over it, in case your font is different)
28 Track Info

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris