Good suggestions! I love "Rotoscope" and "Pressure". It'll be up to the coders as to whether or not multiple words will fit.

"Robotron" is cute (I get the reference), but I'll fight tooth and nail for Spürm. (Does anyone not get the "u" with the umlat there?)

One complaint: The name "Mandelbrot". We all know it's not really a fractal. It's just a spectrum analyzer with only the falloffs shown, then mirrored 4 ways, then rotated in 3D. Yeah, it looks a little bit like a Mandelbrot (actually more like a Julia set), but calling it "Mandelbrot" would open up a can of worms (würms?) with the math geeks.

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris