Well, to add to what I was previously bitching about... We had our weekly project meeting today where I work (I am an ASP/SQL programmer) and the VP of our division said - and I quote:

"I am rather dissappointed with the sales that have resulted from our dynamic pages. I'm afraid we might have to go back to the static ones."

As I sat there pondering this unfathomingly rediculous statement (And fought back the developing anurism - for all those Lewis Black fans out there), I realized that there was no way to rationalize it. It was so unbelievably rediculous on so many levels that I didn't know where to begin - and thusly didn't know what to say. The fact that he could base poor sales on the fact that the pages are rendered dynamically - and not staticly is astounding. They are the SAME PAGES and the end user could care less how they are rendered as long as the end result is the same.

So I guess I'm going to make a trip to the headhunter tomorrow and see what kind of jobs they can drudge up for me... Because with management that profound deciding my future I definitely better make sure I have some options!!

- trs
- trs