Frickin Taxes

Posted by: trs24

Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:35

I just did my taxes for 2002 last night and came to find that I still owe the Gov $1k!! Seems rather skewed that someone that was unemployed last year and made less than $28k throughout the entire year AND already paid $2600 in taxes should have to fork over another $1k to good ol' George W.

I think I'm gonna go by HRBlock and see if they can't whittle that down a little... There have to be deductions I can take here and there.

Just wanted to b**** a little. I feel better already...

- trs
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:39

I feel for you man. I have been dreading mine...pretty much in your same boat, but I did some contract work over the summer, and then had to use ALL of that money to live on from August thru January.

I am going to get nailed for sure...hopefully they'll give me a payment plan.
Posted by: tman

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:42

Filing tax returns always sucks. Sometimes it's good because you work out you're supposed to get a refund but other times as you've found out, it blows. It's always good to have a b**** sometimes though

- Trevor
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:44

Yeah - I did a little bit of contract work to stay afloat, too... and I think that's what might be bighting me in the ars. I just wish I had done a better job of saving receipts and records of things that I could have deducted. Hopefully I can get something down - there's no way I can afford an extra $1000 right now. There should be special considerations for all of us in the tech industry. Something like a "I have a tech degree and am therefore getting screwed by the economy" clause. hhhhh

- trs
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:50

or maybe a document stating something like "We, the government, are sorry that we missled you into believing that there ever really was a tech market to begin with. Truthfully, it was all a hopeless myth to which you, and probably all your friends, fell subject and we appologize. Please enjoy these complimentary 12 doughnuts and tshirt and relax. Tax due $0"
Posted by: tman

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:51

Hmm... A "I got screwed over by the tech economy" t shirt could be quite neat actually

- Trevor
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:53

hhh - yeah - if they just would give me that damn tshirt. I'd be MUCH happier. I'd feel a lot better about this whole thing if I knew that the taxes were being appropriated well.
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 09:57

I don't mind paying taxes...I just wish I never had to deal with them. IE, take what you need each paycheck and leave me the f$&k alone.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 10:32

I got killed for 2K last year because of contract work. I reduced my deductions at my new salaried job and I'm praying it works out better this time around. I'll probably find out this week.
Posted by: ninti

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:36

> I got killed for 2K last year because of contract work.

Yeah me too. I just did my taxes for last year, and here is a tip for the tech geeks out there:


There is a special self-employment tax that is just brutal, and I had to learn this the hard way. I got hit for about $2000 more than I would have as a non-contract employee, and I really didn't make that much. It definitely turned the project into a losing proposition for me.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:40

I'm in the same boat as you, although I think I only owe about $500. The thing that bit me is that unemployment insurance is taxable and I chose not to have taxes deducted from my checks, so I have to pay it now. Of course, I'd still do it the same way, as I needed that money then more than I do now.

It does suck, though, that unemployment insurance is taxable. Maybe it's at least at a lower rate.
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:41

Is that because when a company pays you for contract work - they don't pay the normal taxes on that ammount as they would when paying an actual employee? This, coupled with the fact that federal/state taxes aren't also taken out of the gross ammount paid for the contract work, must account for the steep penalties. That's a tough lesson learned - either get paid a TON for contract work - or get paid under the table. hhhhh

- trs
Posted by: blitz

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:49

Was your contract work for short term work?
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:52

*tears* after hearing about contract tax issues...

I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:52

Oh - I could go on and on and on about what's messed up about unemployment. Here are a couple of my biggest gripes about that:

- Not only is it taxed but it is DOUBLE TAXED. It's taxed going in and then taxed when you withdraw on it.
- In the state of NM, the max you can withdraw for unemployment is $296 a week for no more than 6 months. This meant that the max I could take out was roughly a third of what I put in for the year and a half I worked at the company that dissolved with the rest of the dot-coms. And it was taxed to boot!!!

- trs
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 11:57

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 12:00

I agree with you about point one. I don't mind paying taxes, just try to make it fair and reasonably done. My favorite is that when you underpay (probably because you did the worksheet on your W-2 correctly instead of making up a rational number of exemptions), you have to pay a penalty, but when you overpay, you get no fee, interest, or anything. I still try to overpay so that I don't have to cough up at the end of the year.

I'm in NC. Our max per week was just under $400, I think, and there was a cap on that, too, of six months. But that got extended by three months shortly after my six months ran out. Then it got extended by another three months long after that three months ran out, and well after I had a job. However, I was still able to apply for it in arrears and I got a nice big lump sum all at once (which went to pay for bills), or I would have if they hadn't sent me 13 different checks in 13 different envelopes. Tellers at the bank look at you funny when you make that sort of deposit.
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 12:15

Hey, I haven't looked into the retro unemp. checks from the extension. I just assumed it was all well and done after I became re-employed. I might have to check that out. Although - it's now been over a year since I began withdrawing so I bet they'll just turn me away.

- trs
Posted by: Neutrino

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 15:20

I always try to make it so I pay. If I work it right I will end up having to pay less that 500.00. This year I will get back 404.00. This isn't too bad but I would rather not let the gov use my money interest free. This year I am claiming 9 dependents and it should work out that I will break
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Frickin Taxes - 17/02/2003 15:27

I totally understand that viewpoint, too, and it's a tack I would take if I could afford to pay a big lump sum at the end of the year, but I usually can't.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 08:30

Buy a house... I used to get screwed in taxes, then I bought a house and re-arranged my paycheck to pull out the maximum for taxes. Last two years I've gotten close to 1500 dollars or more back... It's a good investment (already have over 50k in equity after refinancing to pay off my car and I only bought 2 years ago) and the government loves home owners... Granted I don't do contract work and have a somewhat stable tech job.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 09:27

Well, the goverment likes people who pay interest on real estate loans.

My problem is going to be in finding a bank that's willing to give me a mortgage.
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:13

That's precicely my problem, too. Not to mention that since I'm now making roughly 1/3 of what I used to, it's going to be a while until I can even afford a mortgage. I suppose I could father a lot of illegitimate children as well - that should up my deductions!

- trs
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:26

In reply to:

Granted I don't do contract work and have a somewhat stable tech job.

Is there such a tech job?
Posted by: f_devocht

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:27

Uhm, so you made 28K and need to pay 2K6 taxes on that? That's less than 10%. Damn, wish I lived in the US. I pay over 50% taxes on what I earn overhere !
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:29

Are they taken out before you get your check?
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:31

I was wondering how long it would take for someone from outside the US to chime in on the topic. What other taxes do you have to pay in Belgium?

Also, plus my 1k - I have to pay about 13% which is over what I should pay based on my tax bracket. Which I wouldn't mind so much if I had an extra grand laying around.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:35

That's what he has to pay in addition to what was taken out of his paychecks throughout the year. The actual number is probably more like 35%.

Edit: Okay, I don't know if my memory is poor or what, but it looks like taxes for this year are a lot less than I remember. It starts at about 10% for people with little taxable income and goes up to about 38% for the most affluent, with the median probably being somewhere around 20%.

I don't know how other countries deal with it, but in the US, you're taxed on taxable income, which is the amount of money you earn, minus deductions for certain things, like dependents, real estate interest, charitable contributions, medical expenses, etc. Largely, though, you can't use those deductions unless you have a mortgage, as you have to get over a certain monetary amount of deductions before you can really use them, and the interest on a house payment is pretty much the only way for the average citizen to get to that point. Otherwise, you take a ``standard deduction'', which estimates some of that stuff per person in your family.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:38

In reply to:

Is there such a tech job?

During the last two years my company has tripled in size, our group alone (healthcare) has gone from about 20 employees to 110... We recently aquired about 4 more contracts for the government... So yeah, I don't think we're going anywhere and I keep getting raises....

Granted they work us like slaves, but it's pretty stable...

had to edit that, threw out probably TMI, don't wanna be getting myself in trouble (politics of governmental software contracts)
Posted by: ashmoore

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 11:49

When I left the UK I was paying 42% tax on anything earned over 28K! ($42K) That is excluding the social security equivelant (National Insurance).
Top that with a 17.5% sales tax and the fact that 99% of your gas/petrol is tax, or how about being penalized for having a mortgage or being married, but you get the picture.
Don't even get me started on the whole illegal immigrant thing.....
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 13:13

Hey Brett,

HIRE ME!!!!!

- trs
Posted by: lopan

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 13:20

In reply to:

HIRE ME!!!!!

I'm just a lowly peon here at my company
But if your in the Northern VA area, I can send your resume to people that matter.
Posted by: Biscuitsjam

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 14:38

Wfaulk, don't forget State Income Tax, Sales Tax, City Property Tax, and, of course, all of the hidden taxes from things like tarriffs and business taxes.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 14:48

Maybe I was taking that into account before and not this time. Probably true.
Posted by: trs24

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 19:22


Well, to add to what I was previously bitching about... We had our weekly project meeting today where I work (I am an ASP/SQL programmer) and the VP of our division said - and I quote:

"I am rather dissappointed with the sales that have resulted from our dynamic pages. I'm afraid we might have to go back to the static ones."

As I sat there pondering this unfathomingly rediculous statement (And fought back the developing anurism - for all those Lewis Black fans out there), I realized that there was no way to rationalize it. It was so unbelievably rediculous on so many levels that I didn't know where to begin - and thusly didn't know what to say. The fact that he could base poor sales on the fact that the pages are rendered dynamically - and not staticly is astounding. They are the SAME PAGES and the end user could care less how they are rendered as long as the end result is the same.

So I guess I'm going to make a trip to the headhunter tomorrow and see what kind of jobs they can drudge up for me... Because with management that profound deciding my future I definitely better make sure I have some options!!

- trs
Posted by: ricin

Re: Frickin Taxes - 18/02/2003 20:00


I've been amused by such discussions numerous times, in a variety of jobs. Moving on to another company doesn't seem to make any difference. It makes me furious that people so ignorant regularly get into positions with such power (I know where that sentence can go, so I won't say anything....I know someone else will anyway :P).

It's become a source of entertainment. Plus, it gives you stories to tell to people who will appreciate the frustration of the position you're in.
Posted by: PaulWay

Re: Frickin Taxes - 19/02/2003 00:08

Yeah, that's about the same for us Australians too.

But then I used eTax this year, same as last - basically a program to fill out your tax form and submit it electronically. It uses 2048-bit RSA keys and security certificates, so it's as good a security model as I can see, and the speed of the thing is great. But what's best about it is that it juggles all the numbers for you. It even worked out I was due a $2000 refund last year that I didn't know about! How cool is that?

Have fun,
