I didn't mean that you should do a bouncing ball metaphor, although that would be cool. I meant to ask if it would be possible to specify the timestamps with more precision, say, down to the word, to make it, well, more precise.

Any problems with the precision as currently implemented? I have about 10 test tracks tagged right now, and aside from some dodgy timestamps in the original LRC files, I always have the current word somewhere on the screen in horizontal mode (usually in the middle) and always have the right line selected in vertical mode. Within the one-second resolution, of course. I don't know if the LRC "specification" (if you can call it that) allows millisecond resolution on timestamps, but I'm fairly certain that it doesn't allow for timestamps for each syllable, in which case, we'd have to come up with our own way to share text representations of the tagged lyrics.

If you want to see this just to improve the precision of the scrolling, then I'd rather work on doing that without having to tag each syllable. For me, though I'm getting precise results. Then again, there is a known bug in the current release with things scrolling too fast on occasion, maybe that's what you're worried about?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff