I started a new thread so I didn't derail the XBox Live Gamertag thread. I'm looking for a new game to play, problem is, I have no idea what kind of game to even start looking for.

The last games I tried were Fire Emblem (Wii), and didn't really get in to it. I have Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and should probably give that a go, just haven't gotten around to it. On the 360, Mass Effect was the most recent game, and the first I got in to since GRAW 1 (2 I didn't like, not sure why... interface maybe?). On the PS3 I absolutely loved Uncharted. After that was Rachet and Clank. I did play some Rock Band and GH3, but I can't play those for long because of finger/wrist pain - I don't experience that with any other games (except PC).

Now, I'm in a funk. Anybody have any recommendations?