Originally Posted By: Tim
I'm looking for a new game to play, problem is, I have no idea what kind of game to even start looking for...Anybody have any recommendations?

Could you supply some general info on what you're looking for? It's good that you mentioned your impressions of recently played games, but some basic info would be good to, like systems you own and genres you gravitate to.

I gather from your post that you have all three consoles and a decent PC, correct? And you seem to like platformers and some RPG stuff.

Have you played Super Mario Galaxy? I just beat that a couple days ago (I don't get around to playing very often), and I think it's the best gameplay I've experienced in a long time. The controls seemed perfectly honed, which reminded me of how the Prince of Persia controls felt.

Other than that, I'd definitely say "START PLAYING BRAWL!" You haven't started on that yet? That game is insanely fun and has more content than you can shake a stick at. Though I admit it's best as a party game (like alot on the Wii).

Oh, and as for games that are coming out soon, I'm really excited for Okami, which despite the Wii's graphical limitations is looking gorgeous in screenshots.

But the big kahuna, the game that's going to suck ALL of my time and entertain my friends and I for hours upon end, is the new Mario Kart game (just one month and a day to go). I can't tell you how many hours I've spent on that franchise. Hell, among our 4-person group, Mario Kart 64 was responsible for three or four failed mid-term exams in college due to all-night play sessions.