My subject line is a tease. Boycott Fiat? Hell, you can't even buy a Fiat in this town.

I was thinking, though, of some friends in the late 70s and early 80s. They all drove Fiats. Because they were considered to be the least heinous, politically. American cars? Nasty capitalists doing business in South Africa. German cars? The legacy of the N*zis. Japanese cars? Whaling. And so on....

Anyhow, my retrospective may not be exactly correct (and I forget why they didn't all drive SAABs) but the fact remains that they bought Fiats for political reasons.

Ah, those were the days! Bunny knows they didn't buy the Fiats for their reliability!

Soooooo, this thread is to ask: What single product are you not buying for political reasons? Or what single company are you not patronizing for political reasons?

If you have a long list, pick number 1.

To make this more challenging, try to respond without specifically mentioning N*zis, B*sh, or ab*rtion!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.