So, to be clear, as a conservative, you support laissez faire labor practices that include such things as unpaid, forced overtime and employees being locked inside the stores overnight? My opinion on the matter is that there are some things that cross political barriers and are just wrong.

No, no, not at all. The stuff you list above is, AFAIK, illegal under current law. It should be dealt with when it happens. I just know that at my local Walmart, there are plenty of people, who I know personally, who love working there. I live in a major metropolitan area and workers have many choices on where to work. Local stores are not being put out of business by Walmart. The issues that you mentioned don't apply to my local store and to be honest, I think that many, but not all, of the people that protest Walmart are ignorant about the issues. They are jumping on the band wagon. So, to counter the people who's main motivation is anti-capitalism, I shop at Walmart once or twice a year (saving them from bankruptcy). If you're talking about human rights or employee rights abuses, I imagine the largest retailer in the world would have a few cases and they should be held accountable for it.

And to be clear, I don't consider anti-union policies to be anti labor. Toyota is doing it and both the company and the workers are benefiting from it. As I see my state of Michigan in 1st for unemployment, 50th in job growth and the only state in 2004 to have a net loss of jobs (and only given company in 2005 because Mississippi and Louisiana joined the list), mainly due to an unfriendly tax environment for business and the most heavily unionized workforce in the country, I don't sympathize with people who's main motivation is an anti-capitalist and pro-union mentality. Every year, we lose tenants at our buildings because companies are packing up and moving across the border to Ohio.


Is it official Republican policy to include two "u"s in the word "nuclear" these days?

Hehe, I didn't think anyone caught that. I saw a t-shirt on a left wing web site that I thought was funny as hell. Something like "Okay, I give up!! It's NUCLUAR!"
Brad B.