OK, here's an odd question: how can I hack into my own GMail account? Let me explain.
My wife's email address is firstnamemaidenname@gmail.com. When we got married, she took my last name and at some point asked me to sign her up for firstnamemarriedname@gmail.com, which I did. This account was then never used once.
That was 7 years ago. Fast forward to today, and she's interested in starting to use that account. The only problem is that I can't get into it! It was before I was using LastPass, and everything I've tried with the account recovery tool has failed. The main problem is that half of the criteria they use to prove that you own the account is stuff like "list frequently emailed contacts." Well, nobody was ever emailed on that account. It also asks for the last date you remember logging in, and when the account was set up. It's been so long that I can't remember these exactly, and I don't know if it needs exact numbers.
So what can I do now?