I do seem to remember this being reported elsewhere on the BBS once, although I think it was less frequent for them than it was for you. I got the impression that it was very intermittent for them.
My Mark 2 does seem to have this same problem occasionally, only in my case, the extra "rotate" command seems to happen
after the click command, so it's not a large problem (i.e., I don't end up selecting the wrong menu item).
Just out of curiosity, are you running the 1.01 software version? Perhaps it's something that's been corrected in the software.
Since you seem to have it happening very frequently (and hardly anyone else has reported it), you should e-mail support@empeg.com and see if they can resolve the problem for you. Note that they are probably on Christmas holiday right now (check the Announcements section of this BBS for the dates they're taking off), but they get to you as soon as they can after returning.
edit: I just checked the Announcements forum and the message I thought was there, isn't. Now I don't remember where Rob posted their holiday dates. Oh well.
Until a solution is found for you, the temporary work-around is to use the bottom button on the front panel instead of the knob button. I think they do pretty much the same thing in most cases.
Tony FabrisEdited by tfabris on 25/12/00 08:08 AM.