I installed my MK2 in my Puma about 4 years ago.
Sound was perfect.
For the last few month I'm having noise problems.
(Alternator whine, etc.)
I know the procedures to spot the problem,
but since everything is hidden deep in the bowels of my car
I'd rather not do it the "classic" way.
(I'd have to take apart almost the whole interiour.)
So let me explain the problem in a bit more detail.
1. Sometimes the sound is perfect. Sometimes it's not.
(A bump in the road or a tight corner can "switch" it on/off.)
2. When I "wiggle" the MK2 it gets better or worse.
3. When I move the handle it changes.
(At about 45 deg I usually get good sound...)
I'm guessing that it is a loose wire in the harness or the unit itself.
Or simply bad/dirty contacts in the connector.
Anything I could/should do before taking my car apart ?
My girl would kill me if I'd spend another weekend with my car instead of her