It's black, as if every pixel is being used and the contrast is turned ALL the way up. If I turn out the lights and watch the display as it's playing can see ripples in the LCD where it's changing the timer and/or the menus are displayed. At one point I was playing w/the buttons and I "think" (think cause I can't tell for crap!

) I turned on the inverted scope and it came back to normal for a milisecond and I saw the scope and the timer, but then it was gone. I will say this, the last display I was using "WAS" the inverted scope.
This is weird cause it was working fine then...bam..I'm curious if maybe, maybe it's something w/the receiver.arf and if there's a way to completely reset the receiver and download a new receiver file (or isn't that done every time it boots up and attaches to the server).