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#211297 - 27/03/2004 05:53 New job (maybe)

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2489
What to do? At the moment I'm in my first full time job since leaving university and have been here since June 2002. I'm happy enough and get on well with everyone. My boss is great too. Trouble is I can't go anywhere within the organisation (local authority) as I don't hold a particular qualification.

I applied for another job just for interview experience with Scottish Enterprise as a Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator and got through to the 2nd interview. Initially I didn't get the job, but I was phoned yesterday and was offered it as the first guy turned it down. This is the job.

I'm in a dilema. Part of me wants the job - its more money and theres a chance to go somewhere and actually make a name for myself. But I might not be happy doing it. If I was unhappy at work I'd jump at it, but is more money and better prospects worth more than my happiness? Both jobs are only funded until 2005, so thats not going to influence me - although both have a 99% chance of funding till 2006/2007. My boss says that at my age (24) this job should be a snapped up and that it likely won't come up again anytime soon. Also at the back of my mind is the fact that I was second choice - although I was told we were neck and neck in the interviews, just the guy that got it had more experience.

I guess I just wanted a platform to ramble. Thanks BBS.

#211298 - 27/03/2004 06:14 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 17/01/2002
Posts: 3996
Loc: Manchester UK
I suppose because my job security is currently in doubt I'd say go for whatever you feel will interest you the most, but also look at future and what's going to pay the bills for the longest. It obviously means alot to me because I have a mortgage to pay. I've had bad periods at work, I'm currently going through a bad patch. But whenever I'm pissed off I look at my payslip and think of all the cool things I can do outside of work. Unless you have an overwhelming compulsion to stay, I'd grab the chance while you can.

Andy M

#211299 - 27/03/2004 07:03 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]

Registered: 06/02/2002
Posts: 1904
Loc: Leeds, UK
Hi Phillip,

I think Andy made some good points. I'm in a similar situation to him i.e. secure job with a big company (BT). I can fully understand your dilema, I enjoy my job, but I don't feel my full potential is being used, the easy thing to do is to stick at what you are doing, the harder thing to do is to take the risk and try something new. I'm trying to do that at the moment within BT.

On another note, I know all the guys that do ADSL for BT around that area, so theres your first local contact if you decide to take it

Good luck.


#211300 - 27/03/2004 07:06 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]

Registered: 13/07/2002
Posts: 634
Loc: Jesusland
It's definately a tough choice.... being happy and actually enjoying what you are doing would probably be the most influential thing that formulated my decision.

Next, I would ask myself if I was consistantly learning something new in my current position; the last thing you want (or I want) in a position is to let boredom and redundancy to settle in.

Also, do you think you'll be more excited about a position in the new company or your current company? Meaning I suppose, after a long day at work coming home or going to the pub and brag to the wife or good friend or someone hanging out at the bar about what you've done that day or what you will be doing (being sure to not break any nda's of course).

Does the job fit your lifestyle? If you have a family you more than likely would want the flexibiliy to take off and take the kid to 6:00pm soccer practice or whatever interest they may have.

For me it's: Happiness, education, excitement and lifestyle.... of course, I'm 37 and have been through the whole gammet, sold my 1/3rd of the company I helped start because boredum, redundancy and stress settled in so I'm taking some time off, relaxing, talking to people and hopefully something will fall out of the sky.

OH, whatever you do... don't burn any bridges! If you're going to take the other job explain to your boss why you made the decision and if he's a good boss he *should* understand perfectly and keep the door open.

Good Luck!

#211301 - 27/03/2004 07:21 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2858
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Interestingly enough I've had to make a similar decision lately and my last day on the job is Monday. The difference with me is that the new job is with the same company, but I'm still not sure I'm going to like the new position and I'm relativly happy where I am now (though you may remember that that hasn't always been the case).

My new job (which I start on Tuesday) is going to be less of a coding job and I'll not be attached to a specific contract (meaning I'll be one of those corporate guys we always compained about taking such a large cut out of our paycheckes). If the job lives up to the hype (I'll be learning & evalulating new technologies, writing proposals for new work, and bailing out our contracts that are in trouble) then it should be fun. But it also might end up being a position where I write a bunch of useless Word documents and attend endless meetings. I can't help but feel that I'm crossing over to the "dark side."

Still, I felt in my position that I can only learn and do so much in one place, and that if there's an opportunity to learn and experience something else then I should take it. I do get a better compensation package and will get to make new contacts (my new immediate boss was hired away from his position as CTO of Lockheed Martin). Worst case I decide I don't like it and I can start looking for a new job, but at least I'll have a good paycheck coming in while I'm looking.

Not that this is necessairly good advice since I haven't seen the result of my taking the job yet, but I think I can understand a lot of your feelings and can at least tell you mine. Ultimately I decided that while I'm enjoying the work I'm doing, I won't want to be doing the same things on the same contract until I'm 50 and this is a chance to get out and do something new with minimal risk since the new job is already in hand.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

#211302 - 27/03/2004 08:14 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 29/08/2000
Posts: 14488
Loc: Canada
Go ahead and jump.. the New Glasgow listing looks like super fun in and of itself!


#211303 - 27/03/2004 08:25 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: Jerz]

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2489
Well at the moment I am kind of bored slightly - I feel I've done as much as I can. I feel excited at the prospect of doing new things and being my own boss to a certaine extent. Both jobs are extremely flexible - as long as I do my hours each week, I can start and finish anytime I want which is excellent for me.

My boss is very supportive and he wants me to do the best I can - they'd be some kind of opportunity of coming back to do part time work at least. Although my post would have to be filled. I guess I'm now 95% wanting it, and 5% nervous but thats normal.

AND... I've have a longer drive to work so more empeg time

#211304 - 27/03/2004 17:38 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: Cris]

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2489
Thanks for all the comments. It helps to just get some opinions sometimes

I think I'm now 99% wanting to leave - its a new start, new people, better prospects, a new challenge. 1% is still nerves.

A few personal terms and I think that'll be me decided.

#211305 - 01/04/2004 12:41 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2489
I took the job. Start on 3rd May and am SCARED!

#211306 - 01/04/2004 12:47 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 27/06/1999
Posts: 7058
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA
I took the job. Start on 3rd May and am SCARED!
Good, that says two things. One, you're human, and two, it's probably the right move. Best of luck!
- Tony C
my empeg stuff

#211307 - 01/04/2004 12:55 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: CrackersMcCheese]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 17/01/2002
Posts: 3996
Loc: Manchester UK
Well done Phil, I'm sure you've made the right descision. Make sure you take a photo of the view from your new office.

Andy M

#211308 - 01/04/2004 13:14 Re: New job (maybe) [Re: andym]

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2489
Thanks - yes, I'm too ashamed to take one from my current window
