I went to the big radio rally in Friedriechshafen, Germany, last year and picked up loads of crap, I mean, useful stuff
Amongst the other odds and ends I acquired a digital readout head and some encoders from a helpful german bloke, who didn't speak a word of english. As my german is seriously deficient, we more or less resorted to writing numbers at each other until we reached an understanding
Anyway, I find myself wanting one more encoder, so I can convert the lathe to DRO as well as the milling machine. I have the fellow's phone number, but there is no point calling him as all we could do is make noises until one or other of us got bored and hung up. Is there anyone present who would be willing and able to talk to this guy in his native tongue on my behalf and find out whether he has any of these things left and how much he wants for them? I can pass on the details if so.