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#156680 - 22/04/2003 19:29 Anyone seen or heard from Steve?

Registered: 07/02/2002
Posts: 193
Loc: New Richmond, WI
I know he cracked a rib and it's slowed him down, which is no problem. Just wondering if he's doing ok and if orders picked up enough for him to keep doing the lens thing. And I haven't e-mailed him yet didn't want to look impatient and all.

Anyways Steve I hope your doing better and all.
Impatiently oops I meant patiently awaiting the arrival of my lenses.
Drive fast, Play it loud!!!
20GB Original Blue Lens MKIIa Rio SN 030102760, Blue Buttons.
20GB Original Green Lens MKIIa Rio SN 040103268 Grey Buttons.

#156681 - 22/04/2003 21:08 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: JrFaust]

Registered: 16/06/2000
Posts: 1682
Loc: Greenhills, Ohio
Been 3 months since I placed my order and I'm still waiting. I don't know if anyone has gotten any orders yet. I haven't bothered him but I would feel better if he would at least make an update, he hasn't posted anything in a long time.

MKI #017/90


#156682 - 23/04/2003 15:33 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: Laura]

Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
Things are going slow with the rib and stress from work. Now I see this [censored] about my quality on a web site. And as far as making a profit, I'm lucky if I make a dollar or 2 off each one of these at these prices so it has not been worth it for a long time. Not since I slashed prices to try and motivate the cheapskates out there to buy. But I suppose thats what I get for invitting the want something for nothing people. This is what I 've been telling the few of my loyals that have tried to encourage me but you know what? Sorry guys, but I've had it!

I'll finish all the orders I' get till the end of the month and as of May 1, Asta! Thank you to my loyal patrons and maybe I'll still do work for them on a per situation basis but everyone else that didn't appreciate what I did I wish good luck on finding someone to run one-offs for the price I was selling them at.

Steve DarkStorm Designs

#156683 - 23/04/2003 16:38 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]
Happy Birthday Waterman981
old hand

Registered: 14/02/2002
Posts: 804
Loc: Salt Lake City, UT
Steve, as you have been in this situation before where your sales slump, and with the critism I think this is very understandable. I appreciate the lenses I have received from you, and once again wanted to thank you. You provided a great service to the community that will never be forgotten. I hope the rib heals fast, and you are able to ease the stress in your life.

#040103696 on a shelf
Mk2a - 90 GB - Red - Illuminated buttons

#156684 - 23/04/2003 17:17 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]

Registered: 16/06/2000
Posts: 1682
Loc: Greenhills, Ohio
Glad to know that you are alive and are slowing mending.

Remember one thing in this world, it's impossible to please 100% of the people 100% of the time, you can kill yourself trying and still never achieve that goal. The majority of your customers (including me) have been most pleased with your work and are appreciative of the service and that should be enough. If it is something that you enjoy doing then there are enough people that would be glad if you keep making them. I was just getting a bit concerned that you have been silent for so long..

There are even people out there (if you can believe it), that don't like the empeg.

MKI #017/90


#156685 - 23/04/2003 17:23 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: Laura]

Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
I'm sorry if I sounded harsh to everyone. Those of you that appreciate what me and the others produce know I greatly consider you loyal customers. Repeat orders or not.

My harshness was directed at certain ones, and they know who they are so I'll leave it at that for now.
Steve DarkStorm Designs

#156686 - 23/04/2003 17:25 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]

Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
By the way hon, how have you been holding up after all that badness for you a while back? Well I hope.
Steve DarkStorm Designs

#156687 - 23/04/2003 17:30 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]

Registered: 07/02/2002
Posts: 193
Loc: New Richmond, WI
Wow, well umm sorry to hear that not sure what to say to or about this new development.
Well umm ok this isn't going to be pretty and not really meant to point blame or to criticize anyone but here it goes.

I've see people talking about quality, charity, making a buck, and other such stuff and I see the personal attacks people are committing and the apologizes that follow. I admit that there have been a few posts that I too wanted to rip apart but I bit my tongue instead. Like one said tack goes a long way. I too was trying to contribute to this community by making some buttons but failed, no big thang. But I now know first hand how much money one can make or not, but I wasn't doing it to make money I wanted to help and step in were another had stopped. Had I succeeded I would have expected both praise and criticisms, they tend to come with the job so to speak. So I see it a little out of place to get mad about a few that are say I bit more picky than others. And I can say that I'll be one of the more picky people. Ok how to word this... umm If someone provides a product and expects money for it that product needs to have a certain level of quality. Now that doesn't mean it need to make everyone happy. But I does mean that one must listen to customers and possibly tweak the product. I've seen products come and go, new video cards, cpu's, mainboards and the like. The one thing that really makes a person or company stand out is either good customer relations and poor customer relations. I see so much good products and services vanish because of bad attitudes. I understand the pressers of life mine is no piece of cake, but to lash out at someone because of a product they make or an idea they state. Well all I can say is that's less than human. I deal with people all day long that point fingers but don't stop to look in the mirror. Next time you're about to lose it or criticize someone put your self in their skin just think about what it'd be like to be them for a day.

If I alienated anyone maybe your one that needs to stop a second and think before reacting and look in the mirror.

I just felt that something needed to be said.

Drive fast, Play it loud!!!
20GB Original Blue Lens MKIIa Rio SN 030102760, Blue Buttons.
20GB Original Green Lens MKIIa Rio SN 040103268 Grey Buttons.

#156688 - 23/04/2003 17:49 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: JrFaust]

Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
Forgive me if I'm taking this wrong but I have been more than diplomatic and fair over the past 2-2½ years I've been making these and have quite a few that are very happy and more than pleased with my products.
But some of these people are apparently newcomers that don't realize how third party niche manufacturing works or have been spoiled from past speed of delivery or whatever the case but some of the emails I've gotten have practically lambasted me for my performance this year and don't seem to give a damn about the hand of cards I've been dealt this year. I understand it's hard all over but when you're also running a hobby business for the community in whatever extra time you have, that dealt hand affects you even more than the average joe who get's to go home from work and forget about a good share of there daily problems.
I don't have too much of a problem with critique and have rectified a few orders where the customer wasn't satisfied and made them very happy and appreciative of me but the lambasting emails and out&out web page attacks I do not appreciate in the least.
Steve DarkStorm Designs

#156689 - 23/04/2003 17:58 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]

Registered: 16/06/2000
Posts: 1682
Loc: Greenhills, Ohio
Like you and some others going through difficult times, I am hanging in there and getting by. Thanks for asking

Don't be so harsh on those who criticize, they should be able to speak also. Criticism is hard to take and I don't know many of us, including me, who take it well but it is a part of life. Just remember there have been many many posts by people who are very happy with them.

MKI #017/90


#156690 - 23/04/2003 18:42 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]

Registered: 07/02/2002
Posts: 193
Loc: New Richmond, WI
No need to ask forgiveness. I meant it for both sides to stop a second and listen to them selves. I believe most of us here to be adults and should realize by now that being polite about things gets one closer to what one really wants. But I'm sure that there are the few out there that still think that yelling and throwing a temper tantrum gets one what one wants. Now in hopes that I haven't just blown this way out of proportion, but if you, and I mean all of you, read my last post and felt a little stinging than you're the one I meant it for. It means that you've berated either another person face to face or another member of this community in a posting. Hell I feel a little badly myself after rereading my post but I mean every word I put up here.

I think it's great that we can contribute to each other here by making add-ons and answering questions, but what a shame when it goes ugly. I know most (not unlike my self) have only the best intentions when we speak up about this thing or that thing or speak our minds, but it gets taking the wrong way.

But I've said enough tonight maybe tomorrow things will be better.

Drive fast, Play it loud!!!
20GB Original Blue Lens MKIIa Rio SN 030102760, Blue Buttons.
20GB Original Green Lens MKIIa Rio SN 040103268 Grey Buttons.

#156691 - 23/04/2003 20:22 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Steve, the last thing you have to worry about is web attacks. Like you said, this is a product for a niche market - that market is this BBS. And considering that you took payment from people 3 months ago (if I read it correctly) and then never gave even a little "hey I'm still alive, just give me a little more time" to the BBS or via e-mail with the harshest comment being "I HOPE THINGS ARE OKAY, I LOVE MY LENSES AND AM NOT COMPLAINING," I'd say you have it pretty lucky.

Any other web community, even civil ones, would have torn you apart and contacted authorities if money had been sent and the only excuse was a broken rip and stress from your job. People here (including myself) have been VERY kind to you, built you a web page to sell your product and recommended your lenses everytime anyone asked about them. Yet for the most part, the only time you pop onto this BBS is to start a thread saying "The orders aren't coming in, I'm not making any money like I had hoped to, and if I don't get X number of orders within 2 weeks, I'm pulling the plug."

It doesn't only come across as harsh, it comes off as being ungrateful.
Brad B.

#156692 - 23/04/2003 21:10 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
old hand

Registered: 31/12/2001
Posts: 1109
Loc: Petaluma, CA
Im not pointing the finger at anyone, or putting anyone down, but honestly i think steve needs to feel better with is injury and his state of mind before his work gets done, for a few reason. I know when i get really pushed at work, and someone is riding my ass to get something done, i just throw my hands up and end up produce something that could have been better

And if hes in pain while making them, hes not having fun. Steve started doing this for people, becuase he thought it woudl be a fun hobby and to give back to the community, but when people bug him for the product it makes it a chore, no one likes to do chores.

Just my few cents, i hope i didt hurt anyone by saying it.
---- Justin Larsen

#156693 - 24/04/2003 04:23 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: justinlarsen]

Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
Thank you Justin. I know there are a few who understand.
Now. As far as Sport driver....
As far as not showing up for months to say whats going on, that is BS because I've been on and off the board in various threads relating to me or my product and said what was up.
And as far as showing up every few months to say more sales or that's it. That REALLY ticks me off. If people bothered to read this damn board I have stated before. I HAVE TO PAY FOR THE TIME I GET ON THE CNC ROUTER!
If I don't get enough sales it is not worth my time. If you ask my boss none of the sales I have are worth his time since there is never enough. How many damn times do I have to say this.
I has nothing to do with ungratefullnes. It is a fact!
Steve DarkStorm Designs

#156694 - 24/04/2003 06:07 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]
old hand

Registered: 28/01/2002
Posts: 970
Loc: Manassas VA
All I have to say is this kind of crap is one of the main reasons I'm holding back releasing buttons until I get them absolutely 100% bubble free....

I feel for you Steve... BTW I'm 100% happy with my 2 darkstorm lenses.
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's

#156695 - 25/04/2003 03:31 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: lopan]

Registered: 09/08/2000
Posts: 2091
Loc: Edinburgh, Scotland
And for what it's worth, I had great service from Steve, and love the fact that I have 5 different colours to choose from as the whim takes me (the darker colours are grand in the winter, and the neon and bright colours work well in the summer)

So thanks from me.

MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock

#156696 - 25/04/2003 08:42 Re: Anyone seen or heard from Steve? [Re: DarkStorm]

Registered: 02/04/2002
Posts: 691
Steve, I would just like to thank you again for all the lenses you've sent me. The 3 smoked lenses, the neon red, and the clear. The MK1 complete set. They have all been flawless, and I would like to order the neon smoked and neon blue lenses before you stop completely selling these awesome products. I've been holding off putting the order in because of all the major problems you've been having. I never knew you had to pay for the router time at work, that must really suck. Especially with all the ungrateful people that enjoy putting you down. Anyways, I hope everything is getting better for you! And are you still planning on May 1st to stop selling everything?
Oliver mk1 30gb: 129 | mk2a 30gb: 040104126
