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#142732 - 12/02/2003 06:53 Programs for newbies

Registered: 22/09/2002
Posts: 76
Hi there.

Ok, now since we have mlord's awesome new Hijack there is an easy way to install programs, right?

I've been monitoring the progress on the lyrics viewer and I'm really interested in using it. (Who wouldn't be?)

Fact is, I haven't installed any programs yet, except for Hijack of course. I know basicly how to do this, it wouldn't be a problem for me, but I guess would be for many.

Could someone whip up a complete step-by-step guide and possibly add it to FAQ (winks at Tony)? For example I have no idea what's the 'standard' place to put programs in. Mystical hdx2? Plain root /programs?

I'd really want to show empacman, emptriv, emphasis etc etc etc to my friends d=) but I just want to install them in 'the right way'.

Oh and just to be sure, everyone of these programs have been tested on mk1 too? For example can there be differences between mk1 and mk2 in lyrics viewer or the locations or such...?

Thanks for your time. Awesome job on these programs!
- Decay

#142733 - 12/02/2003 07:27 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: decay]

Registered: 09/08/2000
Posts: 2091
Loc: Edinburgh, Scotland
You'll want to read this thread then.
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock

#142734 - 12/02/2003 08:24 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: decay]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 27/06/1999
Posts: 7058
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA
Ok, now since we have mlord's awesome new Hijack there is an easy way to install programs, right?

Mark Lord helps those who help themselves... Hijack can't solve the problem of simplifying userland application installs. Though I do think he added a couple hooks that will make mschrag and johnmcd3's jobs easier. The thread that's mentioned in the post above this one is a good idea of what's in the cooker, but I think Mike Schrag is off doing real world stuff for awhile, and help on the jEmplode side of things is needed to make it work.

I admit that I'm sort of punting on the whole install thing, including a batch file and an FTP script is sort of a cop-out. But I didn't want to spend a lot of my time working on a more adequate install procedure when johnmcd has a great concept in mind, and others are going to make that happen. Anything I could come up with would be far less than what they've got planned, and it'd be time that I can't put into the development of the software itself.

For now, I wouldn't get so hung up on installing things "the right way." For now, you might as well just create a directory on your root partition and put stuff in there. Get to a shell prompt (quit out of the player from a serial console) and type:

mkdir /stuff

Then edit my FTP script to say "cd /stuff" instead of "cd /usr/local/bin". Change the IP address in the BAT file to your empeg's IP address, edit the config.ini as mentioned on my web page, and you should be set. For now, that's all we got. If you really want to wait until the install stuff is more seamless, you might be waiting a while until we get it right...

Sorry these aren't great answers, but people are working on it, it's just a little behind where the kernel development is.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff

#142735 - 12/02/2003 09:21 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: tonyc]

Registered: 22/09/2002
Posts: 76
Ooo... I'm just soooo excited right now. Trying to upload my first lrc-tune!

Though it's taking like gazillion years to rebuild the database... *strange*... i'll be waiting d=) Oh! now it hopped along!

*mmmm* i'm gonna get my hands on the emphatic!!

Oh, thanks a lot from your help. I'm not really reading the 'programming' section, so seems like I missed a lot.
- Decay

#142736 - 12/02/2003 09:40 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: decay]

Registered: 22/09/2002
Posts: 76

I'm just briefing here what I'm doing and not doing

got this:
Press 'q' now to go into development mode. You Have Zero Seconds To Comply...
Starting player

hijack_exec("/programs/emphatic"), rc=0 (okay)
hijack: removed menu entry: "Hard Disk Detection"
opening display...
starting notify thread...
notify thread started (tid=1026)...
emphatic v1.01 (built Feb 10 2003 00:28:42) running as pid 9
player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00-beta13 2002/07/24.
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1425 Mar 12 2002
Vcb: 0x4028d000
hijack: removed menu entry: "emphatic"
Couldn't open ID3 tag from FID 41f0
no lyrics

It does the same with a file with lyrics (well lyrics SHOULD be in it, since used lrc2sylt..) except for the last line stating 'no lyrics'..

I have my config.ini all right. I should have everything quite right. emphatic binds to hijack menu, but everytime I run emphatic that message appears and emphatic crashes down and disappears from hijack Also, crashing emphatic on a file that has lyrics makes the top ~10 vertical pixels of the screen disappear Software Off/On helps.

Again. Just briefing what I'm doing.

trying to fiddle some more! I begin to like the touch of my tuning! d=)

Taking all that bacK! IT WORKS! =D

i guess... well i do see the words wrapping.

now, next stop pacman!

Edited by decay (12/02/2003 09:43)
- Decay

#142737 - 12/02/2003 09:51 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: tonyc]

Registered: 22/09/2002
Posts: 76
Ok now, I'm cool, I'm calm.

I have a problem.

I know the software was written to use the 'knob' of the Mk2. All the funky command through it. Ok, my problem is that I don't have one, I have Mk1.

I can't find a way to disable/quit emphatic.

I can't even access the hijack menu with 3 'cd' button presses.

Known behaviour? Solved behaviour?

Well. Even with this, the emphatic rocks. Though I'm spelling it emphasis all the time...
- Decay

#142738 - 12/02/2003 11:01 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: decay]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31584
Loc: Seattle, WA
Could someone whip up a complete step-by-step guide and possibly add it to FAQ (winks at Tony)? For example I have no idea what's the 'standard' place to put programs in. Mystical hdx2? Plain root /programs?

There isn't a standard place to put programs yet. I'm waiting to write up the FAQ entry until a few things get ironed out, the first thing being a standard place to put the programs.

Others have argued that /programs0 is the proper place to put user programs. This is nice, but it has drawbacks: Its space is limited, and you have to re-create the mountpoint each time you upgrade the player. Although it's good because that partition doesn't get wiped during an upgrade. All you have to do is re-create the mount point. Still, that's more complicated than we should expect newbies to be able to do.

I would like to see someplace on /drive0 be the standard programs folder. That's the music partition, so It doesn't get wiped during an upgrade and you don't have to re-create the mount point. But it has a severe drawback: If a program is running from that partition, re-mounting it as RW and RO (for example, during a synch) will fail because the partition is "busy". This causes all sorts of problems, including inducing the need for an FSCK. I work around this by only running programs in @DC mode, but others may need to have programs running in AC mode, so that's not a valid solution either.

I wonder where we are on solutions to both of these?
Tony Fabris

#142739 - 12/02/2003 11:28 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: decay]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 27/06/1999
Posts: 7058
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA
Hmmm. This one is my fault. I definitely didn't design the program with the Mk1 in mind.

Tell you what, I don't want to tie up any of the 4 front panel buttons with my menus, so I'll add suport in a future version for IR codes (probably configurable) to activate the menu and select options. Thinking aloud here, the default to activate the menu will probably be the "CD" button (on both Rio and Kenwood remotes) and the default to select options will probably be Vol+ and Vol- on both remotes.

No discrimination towards Mk1 users intended... Just didn't think of it.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff

#142740 - 12/02/2003 13:04 Re: Programs for newbies [Re: tonyc]

Registered: 22/09/2002
Posts: 76
That's cool. I'll be waiting for the update!

Nice work on the installation helps btw. Oh, and nice work on the software too. d=)

Hey, now since I did get my viewer working. What's the best method to add lrc's to a full album?
Nice little dos-based script adding x.lrc to x.mp3? (This might just be the very wrong thread to ask about it, but...)
- Decay
