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#10552 - 03/07/2000 16:27 Updates on the mailing list gateways
new poster

Registered: 07/02/2000
Posts: 17
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 09:45:02PM +0200, Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
> Since I just found out about the 11a release by accident, and noticed an
> announce forum appeared on the BBS, could you please include this announce
> list in your mailinglist-translator?

Thanks for the heads up, I added the 3 new lists I was missing:
Announcements, FAQ and For-Sale
to subscribe

(I have automatically subscribed people on the general list to the announce
list. If you wish to be on FAQ or For-Sale, you need to subscribe yourself.
In your case, since you weren't subscribed to general, you'll have to
subscribe to announcements yourself)

I have also used the opportunity to fix my perl script to cope with the new
date format that the BBS is now putting in the digest (if you ask me, it's a
step backwards, the date was better in the old version and now it's all
screwed up and non Y2K compliant. Thank god for Date::Manip), and to add
name and Email mappings for lots of new names and Emails.
I also took the time to hand fixed Emails that didn't resolve and I changed
unknown Emails to be in the domain as some
subscribers were (rightfully) rejecting posts that came from the non
existent @empegbbs.tld domain

> I still find these web based fora extremely unwieldy. It takes me about
> 20 seconds to wade through a list of 30 threads with 40 messages each on
> my mailreader. On the webbased forum it takes me at least 5 minutes to do
> the same, and even that can be multiplied tenfold when there is
> net-congestion.

I couldn't agree more, but it seems that some others disagree :-)


Check out the <A HREF= target=n>the forum mailing lists</A>
Check out the <A HREF= target=n>the forum mailing lists</A>

#10553 - 03/07/2000 16:38 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: marcmerlin]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
I'm going to jump into this fray here and now.

I'm going to explicitly forbid Marc's list from copying any of my posts from this moment further. The body of my posts is copyrighted by me, and by and large I don't care what happens to it, but I think screen-scraping the web forums to feed a mailing list is ass-backwards, and I won't allow my content to be a part of it.

There already exist two different forums, depending on your tastes. There is the Empeg BBS (web-based, right here), and there is an empeg mailing list ( Whichever "mode" of getting data suits your fancy, the method already exists to do it.

If its a matter of "wanting to keep up with what's on the web forum without the hassle of the web forum", there is the ability to have the BBS e-mail you, daily, digests of whichever boards you are interested in. Just edit your profile, and its right there (always has been).

There is absolutely no reason to divide the users of the web forum in this manner. Keep the posts, and the replies, on the board where they belong.


#10554 - 03/07/2000 17:46 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31584
Loc: Seattle, WA
Wow, isn't that a little harsh? Although I don't use the mailing list gateway, I don't see a problem with my text being redistributed. I posted it to the WWW (via this BBS) so that other people could read it. Whether they read it directly from the BBS or through the gateway is kind of irrelevant to me.

Not to start a flame war or anything, but shouldn't you "really just relax"?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris

#10555 - 03/07/2000 17:58 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
I guess I should have been a little clearer as to the why.

Calling it a "gateway" is a misnomer. It's not a gateway. It doesn't work both ways. If someone reads a post that Marc has scraped and replies, the reply never makes it to the forum.

Even if they DID make it, the usefulness of his scraper is questionable at best, but the factioning nature of it is readily obvious -- people can get confused using it thinking that the original poster will get their message if they reply (which they may or may not depending on if the poster has set up their BBS profile to use a fictitious address on the web page). Traffic is also then split up between the two forums un-necessarily. All it does is confuse the situation, and provides very little that isn't already there for the purpose of aid.

If people want an e-mail list, there already exists one. If people want a web forum, one of those exists as well. Scraping the content off of an established forum and redistributing it without so much as asking permission pretty well defines the word "rude" in most respects. If Marc had ASKED PERMISSION first, then maybe my mindset on this might have been a little more lax and forgiving, but instead he has decided that he somehow has a right to use the content as he sees fit, which I cannot accept.


#10556 - 03/07/2000 18:11 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31584
Loc: Seattle, WA
Okay, you've made your point, and I understand where you're coming from. I still think it's an overreaction, but at least I can see the validity of what you're saying.

I should probably caution you that there's probably little you can do about it, other than to raise a stink or to simply quit posting on the BBS. But neither one of those things would be constructive. Consider it...

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris

#10557 - 03/07/2000 18:45 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
Actually, I know Marc personally (he's local to me here in the Bay Area) and he knows what a prick I can be when I get my mind set to it.

I suspect he'll just hack a filter in to drop my posts so they never make it to the list. Marc's a good guy, I just think he's ... extremely misguided .. in this case.

My sincere hope, however, is that others will request the same thing, reducing the value of his list so that it becomes worthless for him to actually do it.


#10558 - 03/07/2000 21:01 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]
new poster

Registered: 07/02/2000
Posts: 17
On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 12:38:00AM +0000, Derek Balling wrote:
> I'm going to jump into this fray here and now.

Does the fact that some people do not like using the BBS interface for one
or several of the reasons I've listed before
somehow bother you?
I understand that a good percentage of the BBS users disagree with those
points, and that's fine, I respect this.
The only people I'm pissed at are the ones who wrote the actual BBS code and
have made my job (offering Email copies of the messages) really hard. When
in the commercial version, that they charge money for, they managed to break
one of the 3 headers they feed to the mail interface, and made it non Y2K
compliant in the process, I got a little peed.

> I'm going to explicitly forbid Marc's list from copying any of my posts
> from this moment further. The body of my posts is copyrighted by me, and
> by and large I don't care what happens to it, but I think screen-scraping
> the web forums to feed a mailing list is ass-backwards, and I won't allow
> my content to be a part of it.

While the list members thank you for your kindness, you are (probably)
entitled to this request, so I spent some more of my copious free time [tm]
to accomodate you and not feed the messages you post.

> There already exist two different forums, depending on your tastes. There
> is the Empeg BBS (web-based, right here), and there is an empeg mailing
> list ( Whichever "mode" of getting data suits your
> fancy, the method already exists to do it.

This is utter bull and you know it. The other list is dead, and we both know
that it's not because everyone who reads this BBS does it by choice, it's
just the only place where posts happen.
I have no idea what that percentage is, but I know that some percentage of
the people who read this board would much rather have all those discussions
on a mailing list that ends up in their mailbox.
This is not a flame, but even the empeg folks do not post anything outside
of the BBS, so if you're not on it, you don't know what's happening.

> If its a matter of "wanting to keep up with what's on the web forum
> without the hassle of the web forum", there is the ability to have the BBS
> e-mail you, daily, digests of whichever boards you are interested in. Just
> edit your profile, and its right there (always has been).

Have you read those digests? Have you followed threads on them? They're a
complete disaster...
I also find it interesting that you're cool with people reading the digest,
but not the digest when it's been massaged a bit and split into individual

> There is absolutely no reason to divide the users of the web forum in this
> manner. Keep the posts, and the replies, on the board where they belong.

I'm not going to make the point that the BBS divided the mailing list that
existed, and caused its death, but you get the idea.

Are you angry because you have the feeling that you're missing stuff by
being just on the BBS? Do you even know? Turns out that there are virtually
no threads on the mailing list side: either the person takes the time to
find the message on the BBS and post the answer there, or he/she answers the
poster directly, sometimes with a Cc to the list.
Are you pissed at me because one could occasionally not want to spend the
time to log into the BBS, find the message and answer there?
Am I responsible if you use a message exchange forum that is uninviting to
some and that they can decide that they won't bother to participate as a

If someone could be rightfully angry, that's the mailing list users for
having had all the discussions move to a place hard to access. Yet, I'm not
angry. I respect your choice, I deal with it the best I can (i.e. gateway)
and I leave you in piece.

Have a nice day,

Check out the <A HREF= target=n>the forum mailing lists</A>
Check out the <A HREF= target=n>the forum mailing lists</A>

#10559 - 03/07/2000 21:28 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: marcmerlin]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
In reply to:

Does the fact that some people do not like using the BBS interface for one
or several of the reasons I've listed before
somehow bother you?

Not at all. You're entitled to "not like the interface". You're NOT entitled to scrape the data available through that interface without explicit permission. Something to keep in mind... I gave you notice, other people might not. They might simply claim you are infringing upon the copyright of their written work. They'd be right. Its something you should think about.

In reply to:

This is utter bull and you know it. The other list is dead, and we both know that it's not because everyone who reads this BBS does it by choice, it's just the only place where posts happen.

I think that's called "voting with your feet"... if the overwhelming majority wanted a mailing list, the mailing list would be thriving with the same glory that this web forum is. Instead the mailing list came too late, trying to supplant/supplement an already existing web-forum.

In reply to:

This is not a flame, but even the empeg folks do not post anything outside of the BBS, so if you're not on it, you don't know what's happening.

They're not even required to post here. They do it because they enjoy doing it, not because its a business necessity.

If you're concerned with the way the list is functioning, start a new mailing list and campaign the Empeg folks to subscribe and post to it as well. I'm not against there being a mailing list, I'm against you scraping the content from one source to fill yours.

In reply to:

Have you read those digests? Have you followed threads on them? They're a complete disaster...
I also find it interesting that you're cool with people reading the digest,
but not the digest when it's been massaged a bit and split into individual

Yes, I have read the digests. If you want to follow threads in thread-format, use the web page. The digests are to SUMMARIZE the day's data. And there's no disparity between my two positions. What I'm against is someone copying the data and re-using it without permission.

In reply to:

I'm not going to make the point that the BBS divided the mailing list that existed, and caused its death, but you get the idea.

Good, because I think the web forum came first... Ah yes, it did. (checking the archives) ... first post in the web group, 5/19/99, first post in the empeg archives 8/24/99....

In reply to:

Are you pissed at me because one could occasionally not want to spend the time to log into the BBS, find the message and answer there?

Am I responsible if you use a message exchange forum that is uninviting to some and that they can decide that they won't bother to participate as a

I'm pissed that, when the wave of MkII owners comes up, there will be great confusion between users who have trouble distinguishing between the web forum, the wwwthreads digests, and your scraped-mailing-list. Your actions will cause confusion among newer (less savvy) Empeg owners in the future, and that annoys me greatly.

In reply to:

If someone could be rightfully angry, that's the mailing list users for
having had all the discussions move to a place hard to access.

Obviously there's a good chunk of the community who LIKES the web forums, because we're the ones who collected the money to upgrade the software. There's absolutely no reason the mailing lists have become lower-traffic EXCEPT that people were already here and this was already a thriving community. I'm sure if there was enough traffic on the mailing lists to warrant it, then someone from Empeg would monitor it and be sure to post on it accordingly (in much the same un-official manner they do on here). Empeg is going to go wherever its customers are, Marc, you're not giving them nearly enough credit.

In reply to:

Yet, I'm not
angry. I respect your choice, I deal with it the best I can (i.e. gateway)
and I leave you in piece.

Good. I'm glad you don't take it personal or anything. We've known each other long enough that I hoped you would just see it as a philosophical disagreement and not as something personal.


#10560 - 04/07/2000 00:00 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31584
Loc: Seattle, WA
Actually, I know Marc personally (he's local to me here in the Bay Area) and he knows what a prick I can be when I get my mind set to it.

Ah, now I see. That explains a lot.

Just so long as the folks reading this thread understand that the flame war currently developing is at least partially tongue-in-cheek since you two are personal acquaintances. I'd hate for folks dropping in here for the first time to get the wrong impression: This BBS has been virtually flame-free for a while.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris

#10561 - 04/07/2000 07:34 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
Well, its tongue-in-cheek insofar as that neither Marc nor I will allow it to devolve into a flame-war. It's NOT tongue-in-cheek insofar as I'm serious about my request, and the reasons behind it.


#10562 - 04/07/2000 09:03 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]

Registered: 15/07/1999
Posts: 568
Loc: Meije, Netherlands
It's NOT tongue-in-cheek insofar as I'm serious about my request, and the reasons behind it.

I'm mostly with you on this, Derek, though I won't go through the trouble of denying the right to quote. Few of us want to check if they're quoted, anyhow.

But I do find it anoying that he posted the failings of his copy service on this BBS: no-one here is interested in it, or how he remedied the problem. The people who need to know (subscribers to his copy service) are better told through the copy service itself (which he already did). So why bother to post it here?

I'm afraid (and annoyed) that it's (again) an attempt to disect the little empeg community. Though there is little danger for the regulars, chances are that some of new Mark2 owners end up in the second camp. The empeg community isn't served by having discussions in two places.

mark2 nr: 006
Henno mk2 [orange]6 [/orange]nr 6

#10563 - 04/07/2000 09:13 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Henno]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
I'm afraid (and annoyed) that it's (again) an attempt to disect the little empeg community. Though there is little danger for the regulars, chances are that some of new Mark2 owners end up in the second camp. The empeg community isn't served by having discussions in two places.

Agreed on both counts, but I think this is WHY it is so important to deny him the right to quote. The more "regular"/"veteran" Empeg owners whose content doesn't make it to the copy-list, the less valuable it is to Empeg owners, and thus they go straight to the source of the content, which is here.

That's my way of thinking on it.


#10564 - 04/07/2000 12:33 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]

Registered: 05/10/1999
Posts: 89
Actually, I know Marc personally (he's local to me here in the Bay Area) and he knows what a prick I can be when I get my mind set to it.

I suspect he'll just hack a filter in to drop my posts so they never make it to the list. Marc's a good guy, I just think he's ... extremely misguided .. in this case.

My sincere hope, however, is that others will request the same thing, reducing the value of his list so that it becomes worthless for him to actually do it.

The debate about what sort of messaging best serves the Empeg community is interesting to me. Personally, I use the BBS exclusively but I think that the mailing list gateway serves a valuable purpose. With the amount of effort Marc puts to the list, I expect that he explains to the users where the content is coming from, and how to reach the BBS.

But the argument about copyright seems a bit specious to me. Derek, I just excerpted the vast majority of your post above. It is now being distributed through the mailing list gateway.

Am I in violation of copyright law because I excerpted your post when replying to it without seeking your explicit permission first? Is Marc in violation of copyright law because he didn't explicitly screen my e-mail looking for your copyrighted material before redistributing it through the gateway? Or, is this an unavoidable exploit of copyright law?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I really don't follow your argument here, and I wanted to explore it.

SN#320, 6-Gig Blue

#10565 - 04/07/2000 12:39 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: corby]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
The basic "gist" is that if a person posts a message to a forum, there's an implied permission for uses of that content within that forum ... quoting of messages, replies, etc. OTHER uses, scraping it for re-posting somewhere else, etc., are not implied, and require explicit permission.

Hope that clears it up


#10566 - 04/07/2000 18:40 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]

Registered: 27/09/1999
Posts: 200
Loc: Berkeley, CA
Agreed on both counts, but I think this is WHY it is so important to deny him the right to quote. The more "regular"/"veteran" Empeg owners whose content doesn't make it to the copy-list, the less valuable it is to Empeg
owners, and thus they go straight to the source of the content, which is here.

Yes, it's here. And it's IMHO unreadable. Web interfaces suck, and I've been a happy "customer" of Marc's for since he started his service. I can read what's going on in a threaded, offline manner. Not all of us have broadband to the brainstem, so the asynchronous nature of an email interface is useful.

But that's been hashed out before, and yet certain folks see fit to deny those of us who lack the combination of bandwidth and patience that they possess the ability to read their posts on the basis that it will fracture the community.

Do you realize exactly how counterproductive that is? As the number of empeg users increase, the number of users who find the web interface intolerable will reach critical mass and the community will fracture.

As to your comment about copyright, and the digest being "OK", what if Marc's service wasn't a screen scraper, but a digest burster? Would that be permissible?

I think there's a solution, however.

Marc: Would it be possible for each email post to include a link to itself on the BBS?

If so, then imagine that the system operated thus.

Marc's bots scrape the BBS and send out the messages to those of us who prefer reading the discussion by email. Marc also makes his list a broadcast service rather than an active list. Then, if one of us would like to reply, we can simply follow the link to the message on the board, without having to wade through the web interface to find the original message.

Dredd gets his unified community, and the rest of us get our email interface.

(Why this functionality isn't part of the bbs is an open question....)


Mk.I #150
Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.

#10567 - 04/07/2000 19:03 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: n6mod]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
Not all of us have broadband to the brainstem, so the asynchronous nature of an email interface is useful.

Then use the mailing list. I believe that very complaint is what got it formed in the first place.

the number of users who find the web interface intolerable will reach critical mass and the community will fracture.

If that's the case, then they should be turning to a REAL mailing list a la the mailing list, instead of a broken implementation of a gateway like what Marc is operating. I'm not against a mailing list at all, what I'm against is the current implementation which is decidedly confusing.

what if Marc's service wasn't a screen scraper, but a digest burster? Would that be permissible?

To be fair, that's what Marc currently does, so the answer is still "no, that's not acceptable, because his implementation (one-way-only) is brain-dead and broken.

Marc also makes his list a broadcast service rather than an active list. Then, if one of us would like to reply, we can simply follow the link to the message on the board, without having to wade through the web interface to find the original message.

Actually, I'll be submitting a request to the author of the software to include a link to each message in the digests (That marc scrapes right now). This will make the digest more useful for lurkers.

My complaint, simply put, is that Marc's system adds unnecessary confusion where none is needed. There is an e-mail mailing list. If there was SUCH a demand for e-mail-based systems, it would be thriving. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Empeg folks are going to post wherever the users are. If there are enough users on the mailing list, Empeg folks are going to subscribe and post. I think its important to note that, according to the archives, the Empeg folks ARE on the mailing list, but simply that nobody uses it. I strongly object to trying to prop up a badly misconfigured mailing list with web-forum data simply because a minority want to use e-mail. I'll say "minority" with confidence, because if it was a majority, this forum would have died and the list would have flourished easily.


#10568 - 04/07/2000 19:37 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]

Registered: 27/09/1999
Posts: 200
Loc: Berkeley, CA
Then use the mailing list. I believe that very complaint is what got it formed in the first place.

And now you're being self contradictory.
On the one hand, you're telling me that you think that the existence of Marc's service is confusing, and on the other hand you're proposing creating a second, separate community? If the features I suggested (individual messages with links back to the board) were implemented by WWWThreads instead of Marc, would that be OK with you? If so, then you're just being pedantic.

To be fair, that's what Marc currently does, so the answer is still "no, that's not acceptable, because his implementation (one-way-only) is brain-dead and broken.

But the digests are one-way-only. Better get yourself excluded from that too. After all, I could reimplement Marc's code on my mail machine, invoked by procmail, and get the same effect. I haven't because I consider reinventing wheels to be brain-dead and broken, but if Marc ends up filtering other contributors, I'll have to look at it.

Actually, I'll be submitting a request to the author of the software to include a link to each message in the digests (That marc scrapes right now). This will make the digest more useful for lurkers.

While you're at it, get them to add a real, bi-directional email interface so we can all be happy. Digests are inherently unreadable because they aren't threaded. I don't object terribly to having to go back to the website to post a reply, but if I could only read online or a digest, I probably wouldn't read. Indeed, I really didn't read the digests until Marc built the burster...and I was running 8a for a long time. [grin]

My complaint, simply put, is that Marc's system adds unnecessary confusion where none is needed. There is an e-mail mailing list. If there was SUCH a demand for e-mail-based systems, it would be thriving.

You would rather have two separate communities than allow access to a single community in a way that is more palatable to some of it's members? I really don't understand where you're coming from. The digest is OK because it says "" instead of ""? Is that it?

I think its important to note that, according to the archives, the Empeg folks ARE on the mailing list, but simply that nobody uses it.

Nobody uses it because we didn't (and may still not) have critical mass for two communities. I still fail to see why you're trying to destroy efforts to make a single community more accessible.

I strongly object to trying to prop up a badly misconfigured mailing list with web-forum data simply because a minority want to use e-mail. I'll say "minority" with confidence, because if it was a majority, this forum would have died and the list would have flourished easily.

So you'll try to force a split between those who prefer email to those who don't.

OK, I guess I'll be participating in the Dredd-free version of the empeg community from now on.

Mk.I #150
Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.

#10569 - 04/07/2000 20:00 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: n6mod]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
In reply to:

On the one hand, you're telling me that you think that the existence of Marc's service is confusing, and on the other hand you're proposing creating a second, separate community?

The difference is that my scenario is two separate communities, instead of one community and one group that LOOKS like a community but is remarkably sheltered from the world.

There is room for competing communities -- happens all the time. The confusion issue comes from the fact that Marc's interface LOOKS like a community but isn't.

In reply to:

But the digests are one-way-only. Better get yourself excluded from that too. After all, I could reimplement Marc's code on my mail machine, invoked by procmail, and get the same effect. I haven't because I consider reinventing wheels to be brain-dead and broken, but if Marc ends up filtering other contributors, I'll have to look at it.

The digests are part of the BBS, they're generated by the BBS and using the BBS is implied consent to allow it to be used in that way. I haven't given MARC, (or anyone else) permission to forward the messages, though.

The BBS digests are very clearly "one-way", no confusion whatsoever. They come up, it says it's a summary of the day's posts, and that's it. Nothing more.

The issue is, has been, and will be, the CONFUSION factor of Marc's list, not the mere presence of the content.

In reply to:

While you're at it, get them to add a real, bi-directional email interface so we can all be happy. Digests are inherently unreadable because they aren't threaded. I don't object terribly to having to go back to the website to post a reply, but if I could only read online or a digest, I probably wouldn't read. Indeed, I really didn't read the digests until Marc built the burster...and I was running 8a for a long time.

The problem with that (and the reason Marc hasn't gone into the effort to create a back-path into the BBS) is that it isn't NEARLY that simple. Many MUA's don't return proper threading info (what message they're in-reply-to, etc.) so where do you stick the reply? What do you do if the user doesn't have an account on the BBS? Do you just silently drop the message? What if the user has an account but isn't permitted to post to that forum? (a la annoucements)

There are a lot of issues involved in that, many of which are outside the control of the script-writer, hence that's not a feature I'd expect any time soon.

In reply to:

So you'll try to force a split between those who prefer email to those who don't.

No. If Marc wants to solve all the above problems and create a single community, I'd withdraw my objection in a heartbeat. I would rather have two separate communities than a single community with a portion of the population wounded and/or confused, yes. Wounded/confused community members is a Very Bad Thing.

If Marc really wanted to "unite the communities", he would have started work on figuring out how to post messages BACK to the BBS.

I'll even throw out the olive branch and set up a copy of wwwthreads (this version) on my system for Marc to play with in attempting to set up the gateway, so he can tinker with it and experiment on "live data" without affecting the Empeg BBS.

Again, to reiterate -- I don't have a problem with a mailing list, but with the resulting confusion the current implementation can cause.


#10570 - 05/07/2000 10:32 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 21/05/1999
Posts: 5335
Loc: Cambridge UK
> Empeg folks are going to post wherever the users are.

I'm certainly not going to post to the BBS mailing list, as the data will be lost to the majority of users who use the web interface. I also hope that users of that gateway understand that anything they post to it will not be seen by anyone at empeg (as far as I know - I don't think anyone here uses it).

I am subscribed to the original mailing list, and have been since it started. There's practically no traffic on it now, but if an enquiry came up on there I would respond, even if it was just a reference to something that's already been covered on here.

My personal taste is to use the web interface - it's nice to get away from Outlook now and again. I've stated before that I have a problem with the gateway if it cannot insert posts back into the relevent threads, as I find that a little antisocial, but there are worse sins in the world I'm sure.

It has occured that it would be relatively simply to write a script to divert mailing list posts back into the BBS, if the digest includes the board and thread numbers. If it doesn't, well, that's less simple :-)


#10571 - 10/07/2000 00:28 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]

Registered: 27/09/1999
Posts: 200
Loc: Berkeley, CA
In reply to:

The difference is that my scenario is two separate communities, instead of one community and one group that LOOKS like a community but is remarkably sheltered from the world.

There is room for competing communities -- happens all the time. The confusion issue comes from the fact that Marc's interface LOOKS like a community but isn't.


In reply to:

The issue is, has been, and will be, the CONFUSION factor of Marc's list, not the mere presence of the content.

OK, I really don't understand where you're coming from; Marc's list is in no way confusing to me, and I don't think there's anyone else who has been confused or misled by it. Nonetheless, lets try to fix this problem. If WWWThreads starts supporting a real, two-way mail interface, I think they'll have a great product on their hands.

In reply to:

The problem with that (and the reason Marc hasn't gone into the effort to create a back-path into the BBS) is that it isn't NEARLY that simple. Many MUA's don't return proper threading info (what message they're in-reply-to, etc.) so where do you stick the reply?

Understand that I've thought about this for a total of about three minutes, but it really doesn't strike me as rocket science. You've made the feature request that the digest include the URL of the original post. It could just as easily have a mailto: URL, either in addition or instead of the http: URL, that sends back a message to the board (or the gateway if it's separate, more on that later).

Where to put the message? Depending on the behavior of the MTA on the Gateway/Board machine, you can do it one of two ways. You need to encode the post ID number in the message, and this could be either in the Reply-To: field (or From: if you want to deal with really broken MUA's) or the Subject line. If you use Reply-To:, then you get the message sent back to something like, and the gateway posts that message in reply to message 54321. This depends on the MTA delivering everything addressed to * to the gateway. If the MTA can't/won't/doesn't do that, you could encode the same thing in the subject line (and strip it off before posting to the board) and send everything to You could even put the post ID in the body of the message, but this is subject to being clobbered by dumb MUA's (and dumb MU's ).

If you're able to use Reply-To: and/or From:, simply hitting reply in the MUA will work. Subject: will as well if you encode the post ID in the outbound messages' subject line. Broken MUAs will probably have to use the mailto: URLs. (remember that most things support ?subject= syntax in the mailto: if you go that route.)

In reply to:

What do you do if the user doesn't have an account on the BBS? Do you just silently drop the message? What if the user has an account but isn't permitted to post to that forum? (a la annoucements)

The same thing that any functional MTA does with every other email message that doesn't make it to its intended destination. Bounce it with some informative error message. The one gotcha related to user accounts is that the only authentication is the From: header...That could use some additional thought.

In reply to:

There are a lot of issues involved in that, many of which are outside the control of the script-writer, hence that's not a feature I'd expect any time soon.

Actually, this is far better dealt with by the script than by an external gateway like Marc is building. If Marc is bursting digests rather than scraping the web, then he doesn't have any HTTP code at all right now. For this functionality to happen outside the script, you need to spoof forms, etc. Lots of stuff that can break with even slight changes in future versions of the script. If this is done within the script, it's much easier.

Email me if you'd like to continue this discussion further: n6mod at milewski dot org

Mk.I #150
Mk.II #39

Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.

#10572 - 10/07/2000 00:43 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: n6mod]

Registered: 12/11/1999
Posts: 261
Loc: Bay Area, California
In reply to:

OK, I really don't understand where you're coming from; Marc's list is in no way confusing to me, and I don't think there's anyone else who has been confused or misled by it. Nonetheless, lets try to fix this problem. If WWWThreads starts supporting a real, two-way mail interface, I think they'll have a great product on their hands.

The issue isn't "Is it confusing the few tech-savvy people who are using it today?" it is "Will it confuse the non-savvy people who are just general Empeg consumers a few months from now when Empeg's hit the street on a wider basis?"

On the topic of replying back to the board.... there are LOTS of issues:

1.) user authentication
2.) threading
3.) post authorization (a different entity altogether from authentication)

Further, putting this into the wwwthreads program as opposed to having an independent gateway deal with it requires that -- to install it -- you need to have all sorts of greater access to the box than currently required. (right now all that is needed is cgi-bin access... playing games with dynamic e-mail addresses requires access to the configuration files sendmail/qmail/MTA-of-choice uses. Since MANY wwwthreads users install the software at "joe's random web hosting" company, that's going to be really ugly.

If marc wanted a functional mailing list, he'd have either (a) written it himself, scratching the itch as ESR would put it, or (b) contacted the wwwthreads author about "doing it right" ... instead he put a half-cooked recipe out there which is just a brain-dead non-solution and tries to convince the rest of the world that everyone should help HIM. If he was interested in "communities" he would have solved the two-way problem or made a greater effort (any? effort) to convince the software author to solve it. I find no evidence that Marc has tried to solve the problem at all, really.


#10573 - 10/07/2000 01:28 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: Dredd]

Registered: 27/09/1999
Posts: 200
Loc: Berkeley, CA
In reply to:

The issue isn't "Is it confusing the few tech-savvy people who are using it today?" it is "Will it confuse the non-savvy people who are just general Empeg consumers a few months from now when Empeg's hit the street on a wider basis?"

As a general rule, the non-savvy consumers don't find web interfaces objectionable. It's those of us who are savvy enough to write filters for our email that really prefer having discussions in mail folders instead of web pages. I still think you're tilting at windmills here.

In reply to:

If marc wanted a functional mailing list,

He doesn't. I don't. Mailing lists we can do, and that wheel's been invented rather nicely a few times. No, he, like me, wants to be able to read this discussion in a far more user-friendly way than the web interface presents.

In reply to:

... instead he put a half-cooked
recipe out there which is just a brain-dead non-solution and tries to convince the rest of the world that everyone should help HIM.

Sigh. This has obviously trancended reason with you.

I give you credit though. In the 10+ years I've been on the 'Net, this is the first time anyone has added themselves to my kill file.

Now then, on to solutions:

In reply to:

1.) user authentication

Any suggestions? This is the only sticky one to me.

In reply to:

2.) threading

Why is this difficult? My last post explained several ways to do it.

In reply to:

3.) post authorization (a different entity altogether from authentication)

Again, you'll have to explain. I don't understand why this isn't already solved if you solve authentication. If you get a message (authenticated somehow) you then look to see if that user can post. If not, then send back a bounce. The logic to authorize posts is already there, we're just accepting input from a different source.

In reply to:

playing games with dynamic e-mail addresses requires access to the configuration files sendmail/qmail/MTA-of-choice uses.

You didn't actually read what I wrote, did you?

This depends on the MTA delivering everything address to * to the gateway.

This is a single configuration entry, and the norm for "joe's random web hosting". All mail to your domain goes to one mbox. Make that mbox the script, and you're done. All I'm doing is reading the To: line for input. And I suggested a way to use the subject line for that instead.

Mk.I #150
Mk.II #39

Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.

#10574 - 19/07/2000 00:15 Re: Updates on the mailing list gateways [Re: tfabris]
new poster

Registered: 07/02/2000
Posts: 17
Sorry for the late reply, keeping up with the posts is a somewhat low
priority task right now due to my current workload.
I apologize for possibly re-heating a dead flame, but I've always considered
it common courtesy to answer messages targetted at me.

On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 08:00:00AM +0000, Tony Fabris wrote:
> > Actually, I know Marc personally (he's local to me here in the Bay Area)
> > and he knows what a prick I can be when I get my mind set to it.
> Ah, now I see. That explains a lot.

Although I don't see this being relevant or making any difference in this
case :-(

On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 05:03:00PM +0000, Henno Putto wrote:
> But I do find it anoying that he posted the failings of his copy service
> on this BBS: no-one here is interested in it, or how he remedied the

Ok, I made that mistake, granted. I won't do it again.
Keep in mind, though, that I only made 2 posts in 3 months or so.
The first one was the initial announcement and the second one contained an
announcement that the 3 new lists on the BBS were now gatewayed. That could
have been relevant to some.
That said, I should probably have sent to separate messages instead of
typing one up and sending it two both places. That's what I get for trying
to save a little time...

> I'm afraid (and annoyed) that it's (again) an attempt to disect the little
> empeg community. Though there is little danger for the regulars, chances

Why do people think that I'd have any benefit in destroying a community? :-(

On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 08:33:00PM +0000,
> The debate about what sort of messaging best serves the Empeg community is
> interesting to me. Personally, I use the BBS exclusively but I think that
> the mailing list gateway serves a valuable purpose. With the amount of
> effort Marc puts to the list, I expect that he explains to the users where
> the content is coming from, and how to reach the BBS.

I sure do. The first sentence and link on points
to the BBS.

> But the argument about copyright seems a bit specious to me. Derek, I
> just excerpted the vast majority of your post above. It is now being
> distributed through the mailing list gateway.

Sorry, there is indeed not too much I can do about this.
I apologize for not answering to further posts or comments Derek may have
made, but I do not receive any of his posts anymore, at his request (he can
of course reach me by regular Email if he needs to)

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 02:40:00AM +0000, Aleksandr Milewski wrote:
> I think there's a solution, however.
> Marc: Would it be possible for each email post to include a link to itself
> on the BBS?
Unfortunately, it's not really possible. The BBS mail digests contain pretty
much no info, and certainly no thread info whatsoever.
Don't think I've been too lazy to implement the mailing list -> BBS gateway,
as I've already mentionned, it's close to impossible (the only way I can see
is to build a spider to suck the BBS posts, ignore the mail digests
altogether, put all the posts in a database with thread and web page info,
store all the subscribers' login and passwords, and inject messages back to
the BBS through an HTTP POST. I reckon there is 40 to 50 hours of work).
What's very irritating is that this would be easier to do if only the BBS
provided more info in the mail digests.
If anyone wants to prove me wrong and whip up a bidirectional gateway, I'd
be delighted, I'd drop my gateway altogether and subscribe to that other

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 03:37:00AM +0000, Aleksandr Milewski wrote:
> To be fair, that's what Marc currently does, so the answer is still "no,
that's not acceptable, because his implementation (one-way-only) is brain-dead
and broken.

(not sure who said that due to the broken quoting)
It's the best I can do. Please stop blaming me for the BBS's shortcomings.

> While you're at it, get them to add a real, bi-directional email interface
> so we can all be happy. Digests are inherently unreadable because they
> aren't threaded. I don't object terribly to having to go back to the

Yes, thank you.

> My complaint, simply put, is that Marc's system adds unnecessary confusion
> where none is needed. There is an e-mail mailing list. If there was SUCH a
> demand for e-mail-based systems, it would be thriving.

Same argument over and over again. Sigh.
Everyone uses windows, so it must be the best OS, right?
(your argument is exactly equivalent to that. Ever heard about critical
mass, or people being forced to get word because of the people who send you
5 line text messages as word attachments?)

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 06:32:00PM +0000, Rob Voisey wrote:
> I also hope that users of that gateway understand that anything they post
> to it will not be seen by anyone at empeg (as far as I know - I don't
> think anyone here uses it).

For the record, I have never hidden that fact, or attempted to hide it.
"Note that this is one way only, I have no way to send answers on the lists
to the BBS."
I have also recently added "X-Gatewayed-From-BBS: Yes" header in each Email.

> My personal taste is to use the web interface - it's nice to get away from
> Outlook now and again. I've stated before that I have a problem with the
> gateway if it cannot insert posts back into the relevent threads, as I
> find that a little antisocial, but there are worse sins in the world I'm
> sure.

I understand and respect your opinion. Sorry I can't do any better.

> It has occured that it would be relatively simply to write a script to
> divert mailing list posts back into the BBS, if the digest includes the
> board and thread numbers. If it doesn't, well, that's less simple :-)

It's unfortunately #2.
I've already spent way too much time on the current kludged up gateway. I
don't have the 40H+ to write a spider and reconstruct the whole BBS threads
in a database that would have a bidirectional gateway with both the BBS and
the mail lists.
As stated earlier, if someone does this, or the BBS authors provide a decent
Email interface, I'll be happy to throw my work away and use that.

On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 08:28:00AM +0000, Aleksandr Milewski wrote:
> There is room for competing communities -- happens all the time. The
> confusion issue comes from the fact that Marc's interface LOOKS like a
> community but isn't.

Not sure who wrote this, but I never claimed to build a community. The web
page is quite clear about what the gateway is, and what the shortcomings
are. The mailing list gateway isn't a community and was never meant to be

> Where to put the message? Depending on the behavior of the MTA on the
> Gateway/Board machine, you can do it one of two ways. You need to encode
> the post ID number in the message, and this could be either in the
> Reply-To: field (or From: if you want to deal with really broken MUA's) or
> the Subject line. If you use Reply-To:, then you get the message sent back
> to something like, and the gateway posts that
> message in reply to message 54321. This depends on the MTA delivering

Yep. While the name escapes me, this has already been done. I've used a
mailing list linked to a web forum with bidirectional communication. It
really isn't that hard to do, and it's already been done for that matter.
Of course, you need the HTML interface side to cooperate.

> Actually, this is far better dealt with by the script than by an external
> gateway like Marc is building. If Marc is bursting digests rather than

Yes, I'm bursting digests. "scraping the web" as you say is much more work
(by an order of magnitude)

On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 09:28:00AM +0000, Aleksandr Milewski wrote:
> In reply to:... instead he put a half-cooked recipe out there which is
> just a brain-dead non-solution and tries to convince the rest of the world
> that everyone should help HIM.

(whoever said that)
Thank you, it touches me deeply. Do you have any idea how mean, unfair and
inaccurate this statement is? Never mind, you need not answer...

I am not asking for answers or further comments to this post, as I have no
desire to continue this thread which does nothing but bother people who are
happy with the BBS and waste everyone's time.

I'll answer relevant technical questions if there are any (although you can
probably answer them yourself if you look at the perl script I use and
posted on the web page), but that's it.

Now back to more on topic things.

Check out the <A HREF= target=n>the forum mailing lists</A>
Check out the <A HREF= target=n>the forum mailing lists</A>
