Since I don't think there's any classes of infinity larger (if you can get your mind around that) than Aleph Two

Well actually, "The set of all subsets of a given set has a larger cardinal number than the set itself, resulting in an infinite succession of cardinal numbers of increasing size." - from encyclopedia britannica

But, I agree that there is no practical meaning to anyhing beyond Aleph-two. It's just a mathematical construct.

Your summary of the Aleph notation is masterly

Thank you! (I'm just assuming that's not a play on my last name 'Bates') Now, I believe your email said "Extra points for guessing the meaning of the title." So do I get the points? And can I use them for a great deal on the next mix? Better yet, can I use them to buy my way up in line (#15066 ouch!).

Which brings me to another thought: I read a post that the Mark 2 does not come pre-loaded with any music. How about pre-loading them with AlephOne?

It sounds vaguely Battlestar Galactica.

I could be Cylons. The first part seems to say "Proceed with visual attack formation". But I can't make out the second part.
