I burned a copy for the car and a copy for my changer at the office. I have listened to it all the way through about 20 times. It's really great while pounding out miles of code. I love that high BPM techno. I'm going to check for good downloads from all of the artists listed.

If you care, I usually skip the first 1m30s of the intro, but I like that "attack formation" part.

When I am working hard and have the mix playing, I don't really register the transition from one piece to the next. In fact, if you didn't include the time/artist listing, I would have no idea how many different pieces are represented in the mix. But there is one that always catches my attention, way off in the middle somewhere.

I took a quick look around on the web for "Paul Way" and "Aleph" and "AlephOne" and didn't find anything. Dose that mean that we have some kind of exclusive here? I can get a cool mix that my friends can't find real easy like? Cool!

What I did find is that Aleph is a hebrew letter. It is used in mathematics for denotation of a transfinite number set. Aleph-null represents any infinite set of objects that can be paired off with integrs. Aleph-One is real numbers, Aleph-two is the set of all functions involving real numbers. (I believe that the set of real numbers inbetween any two consecutive integers is an Aleph-null set.) But, I'm sure you were not looking for a definition, but a guess at how it relates to the mix.

Anyway, I love it and I can't wait for the next (Aleph-two?).
