I bought it without knowing that it was all covers. I was very surprised to discover that fact when I began listening to it.

I think that "Heart of Gold" is a cool twist on the original, as well as the spooky version of "I'm Not in Love". My favorite is the very-plain piano/voice rendition of "Enjoy the Silence".

I don't think the point was to make covers that were as good or better than the originals. I think she wanted to deliberately twist them, and I think she did a great job.

Okay, for a different frame of reference on the topic, who here likes Andy Summers' song "Mother" on the Police album "Synchronicity"? It's a very unpleasant piece of music, right? It's the track you always skip. Okay, but how about viewed in this light: It was Andy's attempt to twist a twelve-bar blues riff so far off the mark that you wouldn't recognize it as a blues song any more. Now give it another listen in that context. You might still not like listening to the tune, but you can at least appreciate its artistic merit.
Tony Fabris