Well, since we've gotten back to the Desert Island 10, in no particular order:

1. Crystal Method -- Vegas
2. Macy Gray -- On How Life Is
3. Black Sabbath -- Paranoid
4. Tragically Hip -- Up To Here (aside from Rush, Canadian bands have been a little under-represented...)
5. Tragically Hip -- Fully Completely
6. Ani DiFranco -- Living In Clip (double live album)
7. Elvis Presley -- Sunrise (recordings from his early years at Sun Records)
8. Pink Floyd -- Pulse (because I can't decide between DSotM and The Wall)
9. Various -- Natural Blues (a compilation from Wrasse Records)
10. J. S. Bach -- Brandenburg Concertos

Bomb Shelter 20:

11. Bob Dylan -- Blonde on Blonde
12. Headstones -- Teeth And Tissue (another Canadian band...)
13. Beatles -- Revolver (too often over-looked in favour of Sgt Pepper)
14. Meat Puppets -- Too High To Die
15. Van Halen -- Van Halen
16. Beach Boys -- Pet Sounds
17. Ashley MacIsaac -- Hi, How Are You Today (bit of a nutter, this guy, but a gifted musician)
18. Joe Satriani -- Surfing With The Alien
19. The Clash -- London Calling
20. The Doors -- The Doors
