UGH. I've had my CD player stolen before. Now I park in a garage so I don't have to worry about it as much. If you park on street, you're asking for it to get stolen.
I feel for you . I'd be so mad! Usually, it's kids that steal such things and they live near keep an eye/ear out.

A friend of mine just had her car broken into while at home. They took her cell phone, an almond joy, and some CD's. Well, she called her cell phone company and got the last # which was dialed. It just happened to be friends of the people who stole the phone. She got the address and confronted the little twerps who stole it! She got everything back, cept the Almond Joy...I'd love to see the faces on those punks.
Me, I would have scared them straight with the help of an officer and their parents and a nice trip through a jail system.