Auto-repeat of the buttons would require me to actively poll for them instead of blocking I/O. Hijack has this, I just haven't done much with polling except for a quick test to make sure it works. Likely to be issues with speed, etc.

Thanks for noticing the bottom line, that's the famouse off-by-one error, that'll be fixed.

Don't worry about finding uses, I didn't see this as a very useful app as I noted above... I just thought it would be a good example for someone new to programming to take a look at. Plus three or four people asked about it, and it was really easy compared to some of the other things I've been hacking away at.

Perhaps the coolest application I can think of is to find a friend who claims to have the most bitchin' car stereo on the block. Then show him that your car stereo can view pr0n.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff