Well, my class was cancelled tonight so I decided to throw together an image panner.

I tried to attach it here, but I can't get attachments to work on the BBS to save my life, so instead, go grab it at http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/a/m/amc156/empan-0.90.tar.gz

I'll have a more feature-filled version with source on my website real soon, but I wanted some initial feedback on this one so far. One feature that has yet to be added is zooming in/out on the image...

Anyway, unzip/untar the archive and put its contents on your Empeg. The syntax is:

empan filename.jpg

Where filename.jpg is the file you want to open. The archive includes a small JPEG to test it out with. Because of the many who've asked about pr0n on their Empegs, the test image is a G rated picture of Jessica Alba. I would include something a little more hardcore so it can truly be empr0n, but I wouldn't want to offend anyone...

You pan with the front panel buttons, and push the knob to exit. The knob left/right will eventually be used for zooming in and out once I get that working. This thing probably won't work very will with really huge JPG files, especially if memory is tight. The GD graphics library isn't exactly lean and mean.

Anyway, once I add a zoom feature I'll package up the source and makefile for all to play with. For now though, let me know how this works for you.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff