Again, what's the difference between reprorducing the song on your computer and reproducing the song on instruments? One is just more exact than the other.

You can't simply arrest someone because their actions are hurting business for another person. Should Burger King have the right to arrest you if you decide to cook your own Whoppers? The bottom line is supply and demand. You can't take away things from the consumer because you think the the new Destiny's Child cd should be going platinum. People figured out how to make mp3's. The secret's out. The music industry should just have to take the hit.

"If you don't take into consideration the laws that are on the books, and not philosophical ideas, then it's kinda hard to decide if it's illegal or not. Morality doesn't dictate legality an vice-versa. I think everyone has pointed out specific examples of why copying other people's mp3's are illegal, yet you continue to refer "back to what [you] think is right and wrong". " - Yang

I'm not trying to argue whether or not it is illegal, but whether or not it should be.

Edited by Yz33d (31/01/2002 10:00)