A technical question:

There is a Croatian grape called 'plavac mali crni' ('plavac' is derived from 'plavo' - blue, 'crni' means 'black' and 'mali' means 'tiny' - therefor dark-blue with tiny er, berries?) which yields strong, very dark, somewhat tangy dry wine (named either generically 'plavac', or after the region ('Peljesac', 'Dingac', 'Postup', 'Pharos') or after the producer, some traditional name etc). There is a Chilean winemaker of Croatian origin, Grgic, who grows it in Chile (probably there are more). Finally, the question: do you know for this sort of grapes and if so, how is it called in English?
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue