Yep, that would be a far cheaper way to avoid one annoyance, but enough of the Nest concept appeals to me that I still want to get one. Things like the WiFi connection allowing remote control is a first step I can take towards home automation.
I figure the initial investment will be worth it long term. If I move, I can just take it with me. And by buying in now, I can help vote with my wallet that this concept is what I want to see more of. I'm really adopting the idea lately that technology hasn't done a great job of serving us humans like it should. Any concept that blends high tech with ease of use and making the tech disappear is something I want to support. I also don't want to be tech support for my friends and family, I want their tech to just work for them. Depending on how well the Nest works out for me, it may also turn into christmas presents for people like my grandparents. One little piece of tech to help them save money on their heating and cooling needs, and in turn assisting them to stretch their retirement dollars out.
Plus, this helps keep people like Hugo employed, leading to fun and new toys for us tech geeks to lust over