I tried out Evernote, but for some of the reasons here I just never got into it. This was when the Android app was just released, though, so maybe some of my impressions were colored by the lack of polish on the app, but I also didn't like the desktop app for the reasons already mentioned.
I suppose I've cobbled together my own version of Evernote. For super quick reminders I have my much-loved "Email to Self" app, which fills my inbox with little notes to myself, and usually takes me approximately 5 seconds to do on my phone. For voice memos, I simply do a similar thing that's built right into Android. I hold down the search button until the voice prompt comes up, then I say "Note to self:" and then my message. It then sends me an email with the shaky translation of what I said, but also an attachment with my voice recording. Those two items are pretty similar, but I find I use them for different things.
For photo reminders of something, I merely use the built-in Android camera app combined with the Eye-Fi app. It sends all my photos to my desktop instantly, where I can check the photos later.
Lastly, if I'm going to take notes on something in a longer form, well, I've simply not done that, really. But if I do, I'm with Dan, Google Docs all the way. I freaking LOVE Google Docs...