Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: Dignan
We occasionally get pre-grated bags just because it's easier for throwing something together for dinner, but I much prefer to grate it myself when necessary (for recipes, not snacking wink ) because I think it tastes better.

In the US at least, most pre-grated cheese contains additives, like corn starch to keep it from sticking together, and things to help it melt more evenly, under the assumption that you're mostly going to use pre-grated cheese for melting onto something.

Which may explain the difference in taste.

Yeah, I figured there was some less than desirable stuff in there, but it's so damned convenient sometimes smile

Originally Posted By: DWallach
...fresh goat cheeses of the sort that come in a plastic tube and can be spread like butter (sometimes called a "chevre log"). For an occasion, my favorite cheese is Humboldt Fog. It's stupid expensive ($25/pound or more), but it's glorious.

I'm sure my standby is not as good as yours, but have you tried the goat cheese from Costco? It's mighty tasty on salads and spread on crackers, and it's absurdly cheap. My local grocery store sells 4oz logs of chevre for around $5. For $4.50 Costco will sell you 16oz. It's incredible. They have amazing prices on their cheese that boggles my mind. Their price on mozzarella isn't 1/4 like the goat cheese, but it's better than half what you pay in a regular grocery store. We get brie there too, which is good because that stuff can get really expensive, and we occasionally like to make this panini with brie, raspberries, and honey that's heavenly.

ps-really? Chrome doesn't know the word panini? I really need to see if there's an alternate dictionary for the spellchecker, because it doesn't know some common words...